Explorer instability, thumbnails not loading, certain folders getting stuck on "Working on it..."



View: https://i.imgur.com/cfHLVF7.png

Seemingly at random, Windows will just start glitching out like this and not loading any thumbnails for images, or even the proper generic icons for file types. Nothing seems to fix it other than a complete reboot.

Also, trying to open Quick Access or the My Computer page, it just gets stuck loading forever:

View: https://i.imgur.com/8JkRuej.png

View: https://i.imgur.com/Dy4oxBw.png

If I use Task Manager to restart explorer.exe, that seems to fix it...for maybe 30 seconds, before it goes right back to having the same issue. It doesn't truly "fix" until I fully reboot the computer.

Trying to use the "Open With >" context menu also causes Explorer to entirely freeze up. Like, instantly. As soon as I hover over "Open With", it instantly freezes.

View: https://i.imgur.com/8kuYUIM.png

Any idea what's going on here? This is pretty bizarre; never had anything like this happen before. Checking the Event Viewer, there's dozens of copies of the same Warning item: View: https://i.imgur.com/cpMpnmL.png
I googled this and tried the solution, which involved going into regedit and altering permissions to allow Administrator to have full control, but that didn't seem to do anything. (unless it requires a reboot to take effect)

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