Couple of BSODs in the last day. No clear idea how to proceed. KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED (1e) clipsp.sys



So this is my daughters' box.

A hand-me-down as the base from a friend of mine with a couple of upgrades.

ASrock p67 pro3

4x4GB DDR3 (1333)
Geforce GTX 980

2 SSDs 256 GB, one of them completely new, second at 91% health.

There have been BSODs in the past. I got a new SSD and installed a fresh copy of Win 10. That fixed most of that and things were okayish (still 1-2 BsoD per month).

Now for whatever reason, they started appearing much more frequent again in very short succession (4 alone yesterday, some just 5 mins after restarting), and I'm lost at this point.

Most of the dumps point to clipsp.sys which is often(!?) a driver issue, but I can't identify the culprit.
Coupled with the old hardware, there are just no drivers newer than 2015 for the mainboard/bios.

But maybe those are not even the faulty ones.

She had one crash again today while playing overcooked, which is also noted in the dmp, indicating a catastrophic memory failure. Maybe the memory is faulty? I ran Memtest for 2h and that looked fine. Running a longer period has to wait until the weekend as she needs the box for online school right now.

One thing that I noted today is that HWInfo is showing the Ram only running at 667Mhz despite all 4 being capable of 1333Mhz. That nudges me into thinking that maybe one of the slots is faulty.

If someone can get more information out of the minidumps or has another tip for me, that would really be appreciated. (~1 Mb)

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