System Restore Failed to replace the file --- 0x80070780



I want to use the System Restore function but I simply can not get it to work.... ever. I've had like 6 different errors and I think I fixed them, however I'm stuck on this one:

System Restore did not complete successfully. Your computer's system files and settings were not changed.

System Restore failed to replace the file (F:\Program Files\ModifiableWindowsApps\Starbound\MicrosoftGame.config) with its original copy from the restore point.

An unspecified error occurred during System Restore. (0x8007080)

You can try System Restore again and choose a different restore point. If you continue to see this error, you can try an advanced recovery method.

For the love of god, all I want to do is use System Restore to go back to a previous restore point. I do not even care about that file or game. I've had a variation of that error for 3 different files but only this one persists. I've tried Safe Mode, "Clean Boot", turn off all non-MS services, used cmd to run:

reagentc /boottore

I even used cmd's "takeown", "icacls" and "attrib" commands successfully after having trouble with them too.

Like I said, I don't care about the file or that game, I just want to use the rest of the System Restore. The BEST solution would be it I could skip those problematic files and have the SR do its job because it's not like it restores everything else, it just stops the process and returns to normal.

I could try re-installing and changing the permissions but I am afraid it may create a new restore point and I do not the luxury of something like that happening since there's no room for any more restore points. I already lost the oldest one I had (the third) and only have 2 but only 1 is shown at all times.

I don't want another method, I don't want another program to use for backup or whatever, I don't want suggestions. I want to fix this problem.

I am sick and I need a cure. I can not function until I fix this. It already ate an entire day of troubleshooting and it looks like it may take a week. And not I will not give up. There is a solution, I just need to find it. I refuse to move on with my life until I fix this.

Now watch as everything I wrote here gets completely ignored and never being able to fix it.

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