I Cannot Update Windows Because Of An App That Isn't On My PC



Update: I have located at least one instance of VirtualBox on my PC, and it seems to be the only instance of it I could find. but now I have no idea how I'm supposed to uninstall it, as there's no clear "uninstall" button anywhere. Guides on the internet were of no help either, as they require you to delete it from the app list, and VirtualBox is not on the app list from what I could tell. None of the files within the offending folder give a direct "uninstall" option either.

TLDR: I found an instance of VirtualBox on my PC, but I can't find a way to uninstall it.

I tried updating windows, but it isn't allowing me to because I have VirtualBox installed (I don't, I checked my app log, and VirtualBox is absent from there). I deleted my emulators onboard my PC since another similar problem posted by a user was solved in this way. However deleting them failed to remove this issue. I tried checking the batch file logs to see if any files were blocking the update, but there was no easy indication that anything was causing the problem. "DT_ANY_FMC_BlockingApplication" was False when apparently it should have been True, as seen on the guide linked here.

I then downloaded Windows Powershell as recommended by the second link to try and automatically detect anything that may need to be deleted. The software found 21 instances of VirtualBox on my PC, but their file locations were listed as blank strings. Attempting to try and open any of these file locations returned an error stating that the location cannot be opened since the folder location is an empty string.

I have attached files of Powershell showing the list of instances of VirtualBox as well as the error message the software is displaying.

I will be temporarily reinstalling my emulators until I can find a concrete solution to solve my problem. I honestly am completely stuck and have no idea how to solve this :/

If any more information is needed, let me know.

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