Windows FORCED the Feature Update , now things don't work , how do I force stop future Feature Updates ?



Thanks to Windows FORCING that crappy feature Update I DID NOT WANT and kept telling it to NOT NOW , it decided on its own to download .... not only did it kill a majority of my Limited Bandwidth (this pisses me off , Microsoft should pay my Internet bill every time it does this ****) , but now the Limit Bandwidth option is now grayed out and I can't limit it (I want to set it to 0/zero so it stops downloading this **** I don't want)

I need to force Windows to stop downloading ANYTHING , unless I give it permission , I do not want A N Y T H I N G Downloaded or Installed without MY PERMISSION ... it forced this **** downgrade , then it force downloads it , then makes you install the garbage Feature Downgrade .... This is MY PC and MY Windows 10 , I paid for it , so it is MINE not Bill Gates , if I don't want the crappy update , I should not be forced to install it and waste my bandwidth , and lose features I use , I had to hunt to find my screensavers , because it does not show up in settings now (total BS) , then the start menu is pretty much **** (Control Panel does not show up on it anymore , and I WANT TO USE CONTROL PANEL !! , luckily I was smart enough to put it on my Taskbar , but I want it on the Start Menu also , its MY PC I want it the way I WANT IT !!! )

Then I can't limit the bandwidth used for these **** updates I don't want , then it changed my background , and my sound settings , it took me several tries to get the Desktop.ini off my desktop (it put 2 of them on it and I tried to delete them several times and got errors saying that drive does not exist .... it is on the C drive , it DOES exist ) , .....

How do I PERMANENTLY STOP Windows Feature updates from not only installing , but from being downloaded at all ????

bug updates are fine , but there is never going to be enough bug fixes to actually fix all the bugs with this system , it blue screens more than Windows ME did , they call it Windows 10 because it is 10 times worse than Windows 8 , they should call Windows 7 or XP or 98SE , Windows 1 , because they are all #1 compared to this botched attempt at a operating system

And why does Microsoft insist on making my PC work and look like a stupid Cell Phone ??? , I hate that !!! , my PC is a PC it is not a phone and I do not want it to look like one , act like one ,or resemble one in any way , I use a REAL CAMERA for Taking Pictures , I use my phone to MAKE PHONE CALLS , and I use my PC as a PC , not a stupid phone , I am sick of all this Dark/Light mode , how about leave it alone !!!

and they are PROGRAMS , NOT APPS Bill !!!! , a APP is on a PHONE !!!! , my PC is not a phone for the 90,000,000 time

I am going on 62 , not 16 , I don't like changing things I use and WANT on MY PC !!!! , stop putting 16 year olds in charge of making decisions at Microsoft , they obviously do not have enough brains to figure out that Baskin Robbins has 31 flavors for a reason , because not everyone likes the same thing , so STOP FORCING everyone to have their stuff look like a 16 year old manic depressive designed it !!!! ... because that is exactly what it looks like and works like .... get a adult with common sense to make decisions , not a child with a peanut brain that thinks "I am depressed , so I need Dark Mode .... Now I am happy I need Light mode , I don't need nice looking desktops , I need to look at dismal and dim and depressing things , and while I am at it I will get rid of all the useful things in Windows and replace them with ......NOTHING .." ...... (Window Movie MAker (the original one) , Outlook Express (the best email program Windows ever had , as Windows 10 Mail App is a joke , the junk mail filter does not work , all the mail I WANT goes to Junk , so I have to tell it over and over it is not Junk , but every day , I find more in the junk folder ,,,, but guess what , no actual junk email , that usually goes straight to my Inbox

When is Microsoft going to release a Feature Update that DOES NOT CHANGE ANYTHING , it just leaves it like it was when it first came out .....because that is what I bought , not this **** it is now ....

So How do I permanently STOP Feature Update FOREVER ???

How do I get the Bandwidth Limiter to actually function , now that the Feature Downgrade made it stop working ????

Can I upgrade Windows 10 to Windows 7 and still get Support , because it should still be supported because more people use and want it over Windows 10 (Yes Windows 7 is a upgrade compared to Windows 10)

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