Constant BSOD



I don't know what happened as I did not download anything recently. I was using my computer just fine a few days ago, went out for the day and when I came back, I am getting constant BSOD errors with different reasons each time. It happens when I am trying to play video games or even just watch Youtube. I downloaded the latest updates, virus scans, memory diagnostic scans, downloaded NVIDIA driver for my Geforce GPU, soft reset my computer and I still get crashes. What stood out to me the most was how my computer is running slower than usual as I am now getting a lot of lag.

My system specs are:

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4690K

Motherboard: MSI Z97-G45 Gaming

RAM: Not sure the brand but its DDR3 with 8 GB, 2 sticks

GPU: Geforce GTX 1080

PSU: Cosair CS 600

Here the dump files from the past few days. There were a bunch more before I soft reset my computer.

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