Defective keyboard



Issue: defective MS keyboard, case # 15 15 13 58 86. Although I handle my MS Sculpt Ergonomic Desktop Keyboard gently (always wash my hands carefully before and after typing), my keyboard falls apart (e.g., soft rubber part is coming out from underneath, torn; etc.)

So I called Microsoft’s different divisions - Tech Support, Customer service, Sales, etc. – no one seems to understand what’s happening.

On Dec. 24. A supervisor understood the problem and promised solve it by staying on top of it. Someone will call me”, she said, to fix the problem, and she (the supervisor herself) will follow the casae closely; will call me back on Jan. 7 to make sure the problems I sbeing solved. No one calls me back.

I called Microsoft again on Feb. 11, was hung up on after talking on the phone for a very long time.

Tried to call MS a number of times, didn’t get anywhere. Most of the times, the MS employees overseas (in Central America, Philippines, etc. hung up on me after I spent anywhere from 20 to 40 minutes with them on the phone: they supposedly try to help me, but apparently still do not know how to handle simple telephone systems.

So, on March 25, at 3:28, (three months after my last conversation with them on Jan. 24), I called again. Talked to a person in El Salvador who was not able even to spell her name for me; after speaking with me for about 19 minutes, agreed to give me her supervisor. Supervisor, Maurice, MS employee ID #: 10968 (as he told me) agreed to put me through Tech. Support (a division of which apparently handles hardware issues). I asked Maurice to stay with me on the line, to make sure that this time they don’t hang up on me again. Maurice agreed, and on the 12-th minute of our conversation, hung up on me. Again.

Called Maurice, at (877) 696 – 77 86 / (800) 642 7676. A lady picked up, said that Maurice cannot talk to me.

Continued calling Microsoft. March 25, at 4:27 p.m.: Alice, a supervisor, says that she is not allowed to give me her employee ID. At 4: 30 she transferred me to the “right department.”

March 25, at 4: 32: Mary, from Tech Support in Managua, Nicaragua, picked up. Told me her employee ID was gem_mary. At 4:55 (i.e., on the 23-th minute of our conversation) we found out that Mary works in the wrong department; her colleagues transferred me to “Surface” department. Tries to put me through the right department. At 5:01 hangs up on me. 5:02: Mary calls me back. Again hangs up on me – for the second time in this one conversation, on the 2-nd minute of third our conversation.

March 25, at 5:12: Jan, in Philippines; employee #: 101473038. Jan is escalating the case. Will call me in 2 to 3 business days; Tuesday March 30 latest. New case #: 1520367232 How to reach her if she does not call me back? No direct number. I AM SICK AND TIRED. SPENT $129 (+ TAX / SHIPPING, ETC.) ON THE MS SCULPT KEYBOARD, WHEN COULD HAVE BOUGHT ONE FOR 15 BUCKS. USUALLY MICROSOFT PRODUCATS ARE OF VERY HIGH QUALITY, BUT THIS ONE STINKS, AND NOONE CARES. I AM TRULY SICK AND TIRED. ABSOLUTE SHAME. Does anyone know how to reach the MS Team in the US - not in Asia, Central America, etc.? Ken K.

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