Mouse click sound only works on main folder , but inside folders do not make sound since the FORCED downgrade/update



Ever since this crappy FORCED update/downgrade that Windows 10 FORCED on us , my sound doesn't work right , nor do a lot of things that were CHANGED without MY PERMISSION , I am so pissed Microsoft FORCES these crappy downgrades , we have no ability to stop the downloading (which killed half my bandwidth since I did not want it to download it in the first place , let alone during my regular usage limited time) ...... Then it changed things I wanted left the way they were , like the start menu , and everything else it changed that I did NOT give permission to do like this IGNORANT DARK/LIGHT MODE , what MORON thought this was a good look ???? , some 16 year old Manic Depressive ???? , it looks like garbage to anyone over 16 without severe manic disorders .....

So how do I get my sound click to work on EVERY folder I open ??? , all it does not is click on the main folder (say in My Documents for example) then on any folders within the initial folder , it does nothing , it opens , just no sound , and this annoys me because it used to work just fine till Microflop decided that I needed things not to work anymore that used to work before this FORCED downgrade ... THIS IS MY PC NOT BILL GATES , I OWN IT ALONG WITH THE SOFTWARE I PAID FOR REGARDLESS OF WHAT BILL SAYS .... does the company that built his car that HE PAID FOR tell him it is theirs not his , and he can only use it , and only the way they want him to ???? ............ N O .........., then why do I have to put up with some clown FORCING a change on MY PC ?? , I do not want it changed , if that means NEVER getting a windows update again , I am fine with that , as long as you LEAVE MY STUFF ALONE AND QUIT MESSING UP MY PC WITHOUT MY PERMISSION !!!!!

OR , how do I go back to the old version without it EVER downloading this garbage again ??? (I do not want it downloading ANYTHING , unless I say it is OK , if I say NO FEATURE UPDATES , I mean do not download , attempt to install , or have constant pop-ups that I have to click on to STOP it from Installing but it does it anyway without my permission , EVER , EVER , EVER !!!!

And how do I do it without losing all my programs/games , Backgrounds .Browser Settings , that I had to FIX after this garbage FORCED downgrade dark manic mode was FORCED on my PC

We need a box in Updates that says "Do NOT Download or Install Feature Updates EVER !"

And WHY when I kept clicking NOT NOW did it Download and Install it anyway without my permission ??? , NO means NO !!!!!!!!!!!!

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