Windows Freezes after every Security Update No Bluescreen



I've been experiencing this too often.
Computer suddenly freezes, if audio is playing, the audio would buzz at the very last frame. Nothing I can do other than to force the computer to shutdown.
Previously, freezes like this would produce a blue screen and errors were collected. Now that does not happen.
I am guessing the lack of error collection has to do with me changing the hardwareacceleration settings based on the advice given to me from my previous posts.

The freeze would normally occur when internet is connected and a windows security update is made.
By looking at the reliability monitor, I noticed it always happened after a windows security update.
Reliability monitor Report:

Information related to previous freezes with bluescreen:
Most bluescreens related to this code, DRIVER IRQL NOT EQUAL OR LESS.

ALWAYS had a Windows Defender Update hours before a blue screen of death.

A few later one related to this code, KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED
What failed: tcpip.sys

Once there was an error from the AMD Radeon driver update which determined that there was something wrong with the manifest file, I dismissed it and continue working on my computer.

PC Specs:

AMD Ryzen 7 4800H 2.9 ghz

with internal radeon graphics card

nvidia Geforce RTX 2060

Reliability Monitor Screen Cap:

Previous posts:
Blue screen: Driver IRQL NOT EQUAL OR LESS

Blue screen from watching youtube or netflix

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