Windows boots laptop, but doesn't turn it off, so the battery gets drained



Hey community,

my Laptop seems to boot on its own, when I put Windows 10 to hibernation.

That is very annoying and problematic, since it apparently does not turn itself off afterwards, so it drains all the battery, and my laptop might be in a closed bag, so that there is no air to cool it and heat gets build up.

How can I prevent this from happening? I assume, just properly shutting it down would do it, but hibernation works fine on my desktop PC and I would like to use it.

I usually just put my laptop in hibernation and when I want to use it afterwards, I take it, open the lid and then the laptop already turns on, which it shouldn't do when it is hibernating. It seems like, the laptop was only sleeping and just turned on instantly, so someone, in this case windows, must have turned on my laptop without properly shutting it down again, or even better, put it back into hibernation.

I also have an ubuntu based linux installed in parallel, though the boot menu boots windows by default. In the beginning, it still was booting linux as default, which just caused the same issue, but with linux being active after me opening the lid.

If you have any question, feel free to ask. Thanks in advance for any help,


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