Odd functionality of searching for files



This is a bit of an obscure issue, and I hope I can explain it well enough to get some help.

When a website or app has the option to add a file, it opens a file explorer window. In the top right of this window is a search box. As you type a file name in that search box, a selection of quick results appear below the box. If you hit Enter, the window to the left shows search results, which you can then select a file from to upload/attach. The issue we're seeing comes from the quick results that pop up, however. When we click on one of those results, instead of it choosing that file to attach, it actually OPENS that file. This seems to be the case in multiple applications and websites, which leads me to believe this is being caused by Windows and File Explorer itself, as opposed to any specific piece of software. Curiously, this issue only recently began happening, we believe after either with the 2004 or 20H2 update.

Was this an intentional change, or is this a bug with this update? I cannot seem to find a setting anywhere that could possibly effect this functionality.

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