How Do I Get around the loss of Home Groups in Windows 10



There must be 500 entries in the community forum devoted to network issues. It's ridiculously impractical to sift through all that for an issue raised by the demise of Home Groups. It should be a single step for Win 10 network setup.

I have a wired private LAN at home and my desktops show up as media players. Really? That makes as much sense as identifying them as straw hats or puppies. Jeez! I just want to share files between desktops. The great mass of posts about this suggest a galactic failure on the part of Microsoft - though not as gross as MSFS. Most of the workarounds that Google finds mention network discovery but I've been unsuccessful in finding a box to tick.

What switch does a person have to flip to make a wired private LAN look similar enough to a Home Group that I can get on with using a computer to do some work for me? This is crazy.

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