Audio feedback - Windows 10




I had a conference call (several participants) on a Windows 10 computer, with another coworker sitting in the same room as I, whereas other participants were in other locations. The other coworker told me that, in order to avoid audio feedback because we are in the same room, I should use earphones (ordinary earphones, not a headset). Therefore, before the meeting, I plugged in my earphones whereas the coworker did not use any earphones.

Before the call, I tested audio and microphone and everything was fine. I heard everything only through my earphones. During the call, however, the following happened. My coworker spoke (with no technical issues) and did not mute her microphone after she finished. It was my turn to speak after her, and I began to speak, but the feedback was heard. A few seconds after I started speaking, my coworker muted her microphone and the feedback stopped so I was able to finish my part normally. So, the feedback occurred only while I was speaking and her microphone was unmuted.

The coworker insists I must have done something wrong to cause the feedback. Now, I was wondering if there is perhaps some option in Windows 10 that I should have checked to ensure there is no feedback. But what confuses me most is the fact that, before the call, the tests showed that everything was alright, which implies that, perhaps, something happened (changed) during the call. I did not touch any settings and definitely did not unplug the earphones during the call.

Also, even if I did do everything right, does it mean that we can be 100% sure there is no audio feedback? What I am asking is: can we really be sure it's my fault, or could the feedback perhaps have occurred for other reasons? I am asking for the sake of future conference calls.

I would appreciate any ideas.

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