Help. Stuck in repeating loop of temp profiles with no escape



I am stuck in a series of temp profiles with no escape.

sfc scan says there is no problem

right clicking c drive and scanning for problems and repairs shows no problem

optimizing drives shows no problem

troubleshooting updates and compatiblity shows no problem

restoro and other anti virus programs show no problem

editing th registry and deleting the SID number without the .bak, and renaming the one with the .bak to have no .bak doesn't work


event viewer shows the same series of errors each time i restart

17, 35, 59, 1000, and 1026.

when trying to save my files to an external drive, i found that right clicking to copy and paste user profile revealed an error stating that
ntuser dat file was unreadable. a similar description showed up in some errors stating that they were unable to read my profile and thus created a temp one.

double clicking my profile allowed me to go in folder to copy what i needed to save

chkdisk scan revealed no problems

update windows showed that i was up to date

I'm running out of options and i don't know what to do since every scan tells me everything is alright when its not.

I also tried creating a new profile to transfer everything over but I'm stopped by a window telling me I need permission, telling me to select gain permission and not doing anything.

Each time I turn off and on a new temp profile is created.


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