trying to upgrade to a faster ssd hd or stick to the traditonal one max out size4tb.



i want to put 2 operating systems on one hard drive the windows 7 and windows 10 the 7 system to give back the media center that ran in the beginning and use it with the remote i have for my system and then windows 10 for the rest of it what does anyone dvise me to do i wanted to just upgrade the hard drive to its max 4 tb i already maxed out the ram to 8 gb but i am worried about the speed of this old touchsmart 520 1031is not worth spending more than a 100 bucks on it because i dont have 400 or more for a ssd that has 4tb so what do you think i can do to boost speed carry two operating systems and max it out but not waste money doing so thank you for your advise i look forward to your ideas on this.kevin jordan.

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