What is the d/l link for vista sp1?

  • Thread starter The poster formerly known as 'The Poster Formerly
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The poster formerly known as 'The Poster Formerly

The poster formerly known as 'The Poster Formerly Known as Nina DiBoy'
> Donald L McDaniel wrote:
>> On Mon, 10 Dec 2007 20:05:27 -0500, "Andre Da Costa[ActiveWin]"
>> <andred25@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>> http://connect.microsoft.com
>>> You need to sign up for the beta which is not guaranteed you will get
>>> in.

>> What happened to the distro for the public, which Microsoft claims is
>> being made available through Windows Download and Windows Update?
>> Supposedly, this distro is being made available "this week" (i.e., the
>> week of Dec 10) Supposedly on the 10th.
>> It never appeared anywhere on the 10th.
>> I'm getting so tired of Microsoft's lies, miscommunications, and
>> deceptions.
>> Microsoft says one thing, then does another.
>> That's so juvenile.
>> Donald L. McDaniel

> "Which only proves what I have been saying all along...
> They are TRULY committed to their customers' satisfaction.
> Unlike many others."
> You posted the above in the "activation" thread on 12/1.
> Ready to eat your words yet? It sure sounds like MS is making sure to
> please you as a customer!

So where is your reply to this post, donald? Inquiring minds want to know!

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