How to really prevent Windows 10 from restarting for updates?




I am really sick and tired of Windows 10 automatic reboots for updating. I have been 40 years working with computers, coding, designing apps, maintaining enterprises, engineering solutions based on computers and I think I am old enough to take care of security myself.

Due to the nature of my work I need Windows 10 and I cannot switch to Server platform, which would resolve my problem easily. My computer simply should not and must not reboot by itself, because I have my reasons for this! That's my decision, not Microsoft's! For example, I run some other apps beside Office (imagine, dear Microsoft, there are some other things in the world beside Microsoft ones...), like disk repair software, video rendering, cloning and backup jobs delegation, I sometimes forget to save my work...

So active hours for my computers are 24/7/365, except once per month when I decide to reboot. Got it, Micorosft? I bought your software, not vice versa, as you think you've got my hardware when I installed Windows 10.

What I did to prevent auto restart:

  • disabled Windows Update service; I also made a task to check for this service every hour and stop it if it is running,
  • disabled Scheduled Task under Task Scheduler Library --> Microsoft --> Windows --> Update Orchestrator named "Reboot_AC" and "Reboot_Battery"
  • voted countless of times at UserVoice and mayn other places, begging MS to take out that forcing reboot policy

But none of methods worked. MS brute forced my measures, ignored votes of thousands of users, and keeps rebooting PCs all over the world. Like an army of MS re-bots.

Now, today again I've lost 1 week of work due to automatic reboot, aghrrrrr! I've been reconstructing lost data from 3 servers for several days, and now after freeking night reboot those simply do not fit together anymore. 5k worth project need to run again due to this stupid, idiotic MS brute force policy to update and reboot, regardles of the cost. #$%&!! Geeez, I better go cut some lumber...

So, is there any other way to prevent Microsoft Windows 10 from rebooting automatically to install updates?

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