How can I set a NEW default destination for new Pictures & Documents etc. to Computers F Drive ?



Hello All,

I am trying to find out how to set a NEW Default destination for FUTURE Pictures, Videos etc. to automatically go to my Computer`s F Drive so that I can create more Free space on the C Drive - my Computer has a C Drive and an F Drive instead of the normal D Drive.

I hope that You will be able to help me with these questions:

[COLOR=rgba(50, 50, 50, 1)]1. I have already Copied and Pasted the contents of the C Drive Libraries `Pictures` and `Videos` Folders to the Computer`s F Drive where there is now a Libraries type list of Folders showing there.

2. I need to find out how to set the Default destination for [/COLOR]FUTURE [COLOR=rgba(50, 50, 50, 1)]Pictures, Videos, Documents, PDF`s etc. so that they automatically go to the Folders on the F Drive where there will be much more Free space.

3. If I can find out how to set the [/COLOR]Default destinations to the Computer`s F Drive [COLOR=rgba(50, 50, 50, 1)]I could then delete the `Pictures` and `Videos` Folders in the Libraries list on the C Drive which I hope would greatly increase the Free space on the C Drive as the Copied & Pasted Pictures and Videos amounted to approximately 32 GB`s.

I have been trying to find out about this with not only no success but having seen comments that suggest that this is not possible ?

I am not being sarcastic when I ask this but I genuinely feel that the process that I am asking about should be something that Children would learn about when being taught how to use a Computer:[/COLOR]

When Children are taught how to use a Computer would being able to set Default destinations on EITHER Computer Drive for various Files / Pictures, Documents, Videos, PDF`s etc. not be one of the most basic things to learn ?

Please don`t describe the normal process of Moving Folders etc. from one Drive to another which I know would also enable me to set the new default destination as I have already tried that with no success and there are reasons why I cannot rectify the situation:

I cannot use the `normal` / correct process of MOVING the Pictures and Videos FOLDERS which would also allow the F Drive Default destination to be specified because I have thousands of Files that have File Paths which are too long and that has prevented me from Moving the Folders because it generated an Error message to that effect.

There is no way that I am capable of finding and Renaming thousands of File Paths / File Names as I have almost Zero knowledge or experience in `Computing` - I am `Self Taught` in just the basics on a Computer as I really only use it for online Shopping, browsing the Internet, Emails and storing Photos, Pictures, Documents, PDF`s etc.

Just getting the answers to the questions above will enable me to create quite a lot of Free space on my Computer`s C Drive - I need to do that because at one point recently there was only approximately 16 GB`s of Free space on there [out of the original 141 GB`s] but there was approximately 135 GB`s of Free space on the F Drive [out of the original 141 GB`s].

Thanks to all Members who read this and especially to those who can help.



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