One-drive moving files without permission (removing from local storage)



I recently had to have my laptop reset (including reinstalling windows) after some hardware fixes. I had a backup of all my files so, naturally, I let my backup drive reupload everything, then moved them to the relevant document spaces.

I didn't realise at the time the standard Document, Picture etc spaces were, with this new OS install, now OneDrive synced and online. I really hate using OneDrive for my personal files, especially as it causes problems with my external harddrive back-ups, can have sync issues etc. I prefer to store things locally.

So I followed instructions to turn off OneDrive's sync then moved everything back to where the backup drive had put them.

About five minutes ago, however, OneDrive turned itself back on without indicating it had done so and with no input from myself - then moved every single file back into the OneDrive space i.e. it removed my local copy, and moved them to the OneDrive folders.

The only files spared this move are ones I have recently opened, altered and saved. I'm not sure yet if they have been copied back to OneDrive, or if I'll find the old version of each of them in my OneDrive folder. But frustratingly the copy has left the skeleton of my folder structure on my local space so I'll have to sift through every single one to check for files.

It's also apparently nested the OneDrive Document space inside the Picture space - I thought I'd lost all of my important files for a minute.

Questions are

1) How on earth do I prevent this from happening again?

2) Is there a quick way to revert this, or will I have to spend my Saturday picking through this?

EDIT: It has indeed recreated older versions of the files that didn't get moved, so I'm going to have to make sure I don't accidentally over-write those whilst moving everything back so I'm adding

3) Can you permanently uninstall OneDrive without negatively impacting the file explorer and/or will it just reinstall the damn thing if I restart my laptop.

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