Fatal error while creating a TLS client credential (internal error 10013) after Windows Update 20H1



Hi, after trying everything I found in this community and other websites to solve this issue, I have to do this post because I couldn't fix it.

We have a .Net (4.0) software that connects to a WebService for medical products traceability, and it was working just fine until Windows updated to version 20H1. I've checked with the Service providers and there have been no changes or updates in the Service for years.

Error whithin the software:


This translates to: "Error recieving the HTTP response to https://___. This may be because the link of the service end doesn't use the HTTP protocol. It may also be because the server rejects an HTTP request context (possibly due to the service closure)..."
Then, on debugging we get this error:


Which translates to "The client and the server cannot communicate, because they don't have a common algorithm" Message: " The connection has been terminated. Reception unexpected error"

Finally, in the windows events log:


We have tried several things to fix this, for example:

  • Enabling TLS 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 and Strong Crypto on the windows registry
  • Enabling FIPS compliant algorithms for encryption

This only happens for update 20H1 and up. We're currently working with a previous windows versión and the WS connection works perfectly fine. But we'd like to have the SO always updated to the last version for security and support reasons.

Any ideas on how to fix this?

Thanks in advance!

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