Windows Update KB50001337 seems to have erased (or at least hidden) most of my files and folders



[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)]I run Windows 10 Home, version 1909, installed 2020-03-25.

I encountered a standard update notice from Microsoft, asking me to schedule the necessary “restart”, last Thursday (April 15); it may have arrived earlier, but not by much (I think). I told it to do the update and restart at 3:00 am on the morning of Friday, April 16. I left the computer on when I went to bed that night. When I finally checked it Saturday afternoon, the screen was a sort of heavily pixilated fuzzy blue, and responded to no keyboard commands. So I did a “hard shutdown", and, when I started it up again, it went to a standard Windows welcoming screen and I was able to log on using our regular user name and password.

But, the home page that then presented was different, and the taskbar was devoid of such standard icons as those for Word and Excel. Having spent considerable time tracking down and restoring these programs (and others), I then found I was unable to locate any of the documents and folders associated with those standard MS Office programs. I used the Windows Update "Troubleshooter" and that seemed to do the trick. I was able to find virtually all of my lost folders and files, although they were now squirreled away in different places than they had been before the update.

Then, on Sunday (April 18), I got another Windows Update notice (for update KB50001337), again accompanied by a request to set a time for a “restart”. I did so, setting the time for 3:00 am Monday (April 19). When I checked back later that afternoon (around 5:00 pm), I found the standard sign in screen; when I entered our email and password, the computer went to the standard windows desktop screen. But, again, the standard Office (and some other) icons were missing from the task bar. I once again found them elsewhere and restored them to the task bar.

But the programs associated with those office (and other) programs have, again, vanished. I have been wholly unable to locate them this time. How can I find them and get them back? (File Manager has proved wholly useless in this regard.)[/COLOR]

(Apparently, Windows 10 update package KB50001330 is currently causing a fair amount of mayhem, but I couldn’t find any evidence of it having been installed on our computer – the two most recent “successfully installed” updates were KB5000808 on March 15, and KB5000908 on March 14. Our last “failed installation attempt” generated error message 0xc19001e1 on April 17, but I don’t know what it's associated update was.)

[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)]Your kind help is very much appreciated.[/COLOR]

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