Ran Treesize Free (as administrator) as I was extremely low on space on my C drive and found a whopping 96GB of "System Recovery". Is it safe to delet


Lelouch Vi Zoro

I'll begin with the storage specs. I have a 465gb Dell Inspiron which is split into 3 partitions of 158gb C drive, 206gb drive E and 101gb for drive F.

I have been running out of space on my C drive for over 6 months now (E and F haven't been acting up thankfully) and kept going from 10gigs to 17 back to 10 every single time by running disk cleanup. I finally had had enough and decided to use Windirstat and ran it only to find an "Unknown" section of size 89-something GB. Problem was even if I ran it as an admin, it didn't show what that "Unknown" section was.

So after a little research online, I came across Treesize Free and decided to try it. Running it as an administrator, it immediately shed light on what that unknown section was. It's labeled "96gb System recovery". Expanding it, I got "96Gb Repair". Expanding it further resulted in "61.1Gb [1015] Files", "31.6Gb Backup" a "2.7gb Backup" and another 380ish MB of temp, backup and other stuff. Following this huge "System recovery" were Windows, user, program files, program files (x86) and the usual...

My question is, can I safely delete this "96gb System recovery"? I can't seem to find it in c drive, nor is it affected by disk cleanup or the "view additional files" in disk cleanup.

What exactly are they? How will they affect my computer? Are they good or bad files? I couldn't find anything on other people's questions regarding Treesize Free, heck I couldn't even spot this mysterious "System recovery" on the pics they'd posted...


Would appreciate any and all help. Thanks!


PS I suppose the storage sizes might show a little discrepancy, as I saw the 158 in the settings->system->storage and the other two sizes as shown in "This PC". Forgive me if it causes any confusions. I'm a little dumb...

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