Hotfixes and Updates for Me


Justin Thyme

I have a six-year-old Dell with Windows Me that I would like to give to a
friend or close acquaintance, but first I want to remove personal stuff like
letters (no porn, nothing that shouldn't be seen by anybody, but of no
business to others). I understand that the Format command will accomplish
as much as I need, but Format will also remove the operating system (won't
it?). I have all the CDs that came with this machine when I bought it new,
so I ought to be able to restore Windows Me. But what about all the
modifications that took place before MS stopped support for Me? Can I get
the hotfixes, etc., that bring this computer up to the level it was when MS
discontinued support?


Ken Bland

Mike M

> But what about all the modifications
> that took place before MS stopped support for Me? Can I get the
> hotfixes, etc., that bring this computer up to the level it was when
> MS discontinued support?

The v4 Windows Update site is still available for those running Win 9x
operating systems such as Win Me. Note that the first update you should
install, do it alone and before all others, is the 290700 patch for system
restore. Next I would install IE6 SP1 with nothing else, and then take it
from there doing perhaps four or five at a time - more if you are feeling
brave. If you choose to upgrade to WMP9 from WMP7 I would suggest that
you don't install other updates in the same visit.

Note on your first visit you will be asked to download and install an
updated WU control as Win Me when released is configured to access the now
retired v3 WU site.

I've just checked and an out of the box Win Me system is currently offered
24 critical updates (including 290700 and IE6 SP1) and 10 optional
(including WMP9). Other critical updates will be offered once you have
installed IE6 SP1.
Mike Maltby

Justin Thyme <> wrote:

> I have a six-year-old Dell with Windows Me that I would like to give
> to a friend or close acquaintance, but first I want to remove
> personal stuff like letters (no porn, nothing that shouldn't be seen
> by anybody, but of no business to others). I understand that the
> Format command will accomplish as much as I need, but Format will
> also remove the operating system (won't it?). I have all the CDs
> that came with this machine when I bought it new, so I ought to be
> able to restore Windows Me. But what about all the modifications
> that took place before MS stopped support for Me? Can I get the
> hotfixes, etc., that bring this computer up to the level it was when
> MS discontinued support?
> TIA.
> Ken Bland

Justin Thyme

Thank you very much, Mike, it's greatly appreciated. Now I can proceed to
clean the computer and bring it back up to date (2006). I am printing your
instructions so I won't go (too far) wrong.

Ken Bland

"Mike M" <No_Spam@Corned_Beef.Only> wrote in message

<Some deleted text here>

> The v4 Windows Update site is still available for those running Win 9x
> operating systems such as Win Me. Note that the first update you should
> install, do it alone and before all others, is the 290700 patch for system
> restore. Next I would install IE6 SP1 with nothing else, and then take it
> from there doing perhaps four or five at a time - more if you are feeling
> brave. If you choose to upgrade to WMP9 from WMP7 I would suggest that
> you don't install other updates in the same visit.
> Note on your first visit you will be asked to download and install an
> updated WU control as Win Me when released is configured to access the now
> retired v3 WU site.
> I've just checked and an out of the box Win Me system is currently offered
> 24 critical updates (including 290700 and IE6 SP1) and 10 optional
> (including WMP9). Other critical updates will be offered once you have
> installed IE6 SP1.
> --
> Mike Maltby

<Remainder snipped>

Mike M

looked on
themselves as in a Christless condition, seemed to be awakened by it,
with fear that God was about to withdraw from the land, and that we
should be given up to heterodoxy and corrupt principles and that then
their opportunity for obtaining salvation would be past. Many who were
brought a little to doubt about the truth of the doctrines they had
hitherto been taught, seemed to have a kind of trembling fear with their
doubts, lest they should be led into bypaths, to their eternal undoing
and they seemed, with much concern and engagedness of mind, to inquire
what was indeed the way in which they must come to be accepted with God.
There were some things said publicly on that occasion, concerning
justification by faith alone.

Although great fault was found with meddling with the controversy in the
pulpit, by such a person, and at that time-and though it was ridiculed
by many elsewhere-yet it proved a word spoken in season here and was
most evidently attended with a very remarkable blessing of heaven to the
souls of the people in this town. They received thence a general
satisfaction, with respect to the main thing in question, which they had
been in trembling doubts and concern about and their minds were engaged
the more earnestly to seek that they might come to be accepted of God,
and saved in the way of the gospel, which had been made evident to them
to be the true and only way. And then it was, in the latter part of
December, that the Spirit of God began extraordinarily to set in, and
wonderfully to work amongst us and there were very suddenly, one after
another, five or six persons, who were to all appearances savingly
converted, and some of them wrought upon in a very remarkable manner.

Particularly, I was surprised with relation o

Justin Thyme

But the Sorbonne... but the bull...

It is impossible that those who love God with all their heart should fail to
recognise the Church so evident is she. It is impossible that those who do
not love God should be convinced of the Church.

Miracles have such influence that it was necessary that God should warn men
not to believe in them in opposition to Him, all clear as it is that there
is a God. Without this they would have been able to disturb men.

And thus so far from these passages, Deut. 13, making against the authority
of the miracles, nothing more indicates their influence. And the same in
respect of Antichrist. "To seduce, if it were possible, even the elect."

851. The history of the man born blind.

What says Saint Paul? Does he continually speak of the evidence of the
prophecies? No, but of his own miracle. What says Jesus Christ? Does He
speak of the evidence of the prophecies? No His death had not fulfilled
them. But he says, Si non fecissem.213 Believe the works.

Two supernatural foundations of our wholly supernatural religion one
visible, the other invisible miracles with grace, miracles without grace.

The synagogue, which had been treated with love as a type of the Church, and
with hatred, because it was only the type, has been restored, being on the
point of falling when it was well with God, and thus a type.

Miracles prove the power which God has over hearts, by that which He
exercises over bodies.

The Church has never approved a miracle among heretics.

Miracles a support of religion: they have been the test of Jews they have
been the test of Christians, saints, innocents, and true believers.

A miracle among schismatics is not so much to be feared for schism, which
is more obvious than a miracle, visibly indicates their error. But, when
there is no schism and error is in question, miracle decides.

Justin Thyme

term of commencement, because of the terms of the prophecy and as regards
the term of conclusion, because of the differences among chronologists. But
all this difference extends only to two hundred years.

724. Predictions.--That in the fourth monarchy, before the destruction of
the second temple, before the dominion of the Jews was taken away, in the
seventieth week of Daniel, during the continuance of the second temple, the
heathen should be instructed, and brought to the knowledge of the God
worshipped by the Jews that those who loved Him should be delivered from
their enemies, and filled with His fear and love.

And it happened that in the fourth monarchy, before the destruction of the
second temple, etc., the heathen in great number worshipped God, and led an
angelic life. Maidens dedicated their virginity and their life to God. Men
renounced their pleasures. What Plato could only make acceptable to a few
men, specially chosen and instructed, a secret influence imparted by the
power of a few words, to a hundred million ignorant men.

The rich left their wealth. Children left the dainty homes of their parents
to go into the rough desert. (See Philo the Jew.) All this was f

Justin Thyme

Not the real "Justin Thyme." I always add my name to the bottom.

"Justin Thyme" <> wrote in message
> the
> term of commencement, because of the terms of the prophecy


Ken Bland

Robert Stevens

Mike M wrote:

> snipped
> I've just checked and an out of the box Win Me system is currently
> offered 24 critical updates (including 290700 and IE6 SP1) and 10
> optional (including WMP9). Other critical updates will be offered once
> you have installed IE6 SP1.

How can I get that 290700 patch. Is it a KB or a Q
Bob in wisconsin running a Dell L1000R with WinMe

Mike M

Robert Stevens <> wrote:

> How can I get that 290700 patch. Is it a KB or a Q
> Bob in wisconsin running a Dell L1000R with WinMe

1) By visiting the Windows Update site where is has been available since
April 2001 using the PC on which the patch is to be installed,
2) From the Windows Update Catalogue
( however it
is only on the v4 site which means the Catalogue must be accessed by a PC
running a Win 9x system. PCs running Win2K, XP or Vista are automatically
directed to the newer v7 Windows Update Catalogue which doesn't contain
patches for Win 9x systems.
2) By downloading it from the link embedded in the associated KB article.
KB290700 - "Checkpoints that you create after September 8, 2001 do not
restore your computer" (
Mike Maltby

Robert Stevens

Mike M wrote:
> Robert Stevens <> wrote:
>> How can I get that 290700 patch. Is it a KB or a Q
>> Bob in wisconsin running a Dell L1000R with WinMe

> 1) By visiting the Windows Update site where is has been available since
> April 2001 using the PC on which the patch is to be installed,
> 2) From the Windows Update Catalogue
> ( however
> it is only on the v4 site which means the Catalogue must be accessed by
> a PC running a Win 9x system. PCs running Win2K, XP or Vista are
> automatically directed to the newer v7 Windows Update Catalogue which
> doesn't contain patches for Win 9x systems.
> 2) By downloading it from the link embedded in the associated KB
> article. KB290700 - "Checkpoints that you create after September 8, 2001
> do not restore your computer" (

I did find KB290700 and downloaded and Installed but all I get from
SYSTEM RESTORE is a blank Box. Is there something else I need to look at
I have had to to a "REPAIR" a couple of times when my System got Cranky.

Mike M

Robert Stevens <> wrote:

> I did find KB290700 and downloaded and Installed but all I get from
> SYSTEM RESTORE is a blank Box. Is there something else I need to look
> at I have had to a "REPAIR" a couple of times when my System got

See MS KB309663 "" ( which
describes this problem which is often caused by damaged or missing jscript
registry keys or the file jscript.dll being missing.

Another possibility is that this error is being caused by MDAC (Microsoft
Data Access Components) being broken, perhaps as a result of installing
KB911562 on MDAC 2.8 Sadly the version of KB911562 on the Windows Update
site or installed via Automatic Update is fatally flawed when installed on
a system running MDAC 2.8. If so the fix for this particular problem is
as follows:

Download and install MDAC 2.8 SP1 from
Check whether you can now access Help & Support and System Restore. You
should hopefully now be able to do this. Now visit the Windows Update
site download and install KB911562 again. Don't worry the patch for MDAC
2.8 SP1 has none of the problems associated with the patch for MDAC 2.8
which could be the version you are running at present.

> I have had to a "REPAIR" a couple of times when my System got Cranky.

By this I am ASSuming that you have reinstalled Win Me over itself. This
can often be quite dangerous, especially so if IE6 or IE6 SP1 or WMP9 have
previously been installed. In such cases the reinstall attempts to
install older versions of these products (IE5.5 and WMP7) and the result
is usually a mish-mash of file versions resulting in both the browser and
WMP working erratically at best.
Mike Maltby

Robert Stevens

Mike M wrote:
> Robert Stevens <> wrote:
>> I did find KB290700 and downloaded and Installed but all I get from
>> SYSTEM RESTORE is a blank Box. Is there something else I need to look
>> at I have had to a "REPAIR" a couple of times when my System got

> See MS KB309663 "" ( which
> describes this problem which is often caused by damaged or missing
> jscript registry keys or the file jscript.dll being missing.
> Another possibility is that this error is being caused by MDAC
> (Microsoft Data Access Components) being broken, perhaps as a result of
> installing KB911562 on MDAC 2.8 Sadly the version of KB911562 on the
> Windows Update site or installed via Automatic Update is fatally flawed
> when installed on a system running MDAC 2.8. If so the fix for this
> particular problem is as follows:
> Download and install MDAC 2.8 SP1 from
> Check whether you can now access Help & Support and System Restore. You
> should hopefully now be able to do this. Now visit the Windows Update
> site download and install KB911562 again. Don't worry the patch for
> MDAC 2.8 SP1 has none of the problems associated with the patch for MDAC
> 2.8 which could be the version you are running at present.
>> I have had to a "REPAIR" a couple of times when my System got Cranky.

> By this I am ASSuming that you have reinstalled Win Me over itself.
> This can often be quite dangerous, especially so if IE6 or IE6 SP1 or
> WMP9 have previously been installed. In such cases the reinstall
> attempts to install older versions of these products (IE5.5 and WMP7)
> and the result is usually a mish-mash of file versions resulting in both
> the browser and WMP working erratically at best.

I got it fixed. For some reason my IE5.5 was messed up so I found a copy
on one of my Norton CD's and reinstalled and System Restore Came Back
thanks for all your help

Mike M

Robert Stevens <> wrote:

> I got it fixed.

That at least is good news.

> For some reason my IE5.5 was messed up so I found a
> copy on one of my Norton CD's and reinstalled and System Restore Came
> Back thanks for all your help

If you had mentioned that you use or have in the past used Norton on the
system then that would have explained everything. Norton isn't known as
Norton System Destroyer for nothing. Norton, especially when used with
Win Me, simply isn't fit for purpose and causes massive problems, far
worse than those caused by the assorted malware that Norton purports to
protect you from. Symantec/Norton haven't produced decent software for
the home market for over ten years and IMO are unlikely to ever do so
Mike Maltby
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