BSOD System service exception (fileinfo.sys) on multiple situations




Frist of all I apologize for how general the title is, I'm a 3D artist and have been using some CPU intensive software recently (Zbrush), however one day while making a memory-expensive operation my PC suddenly crashed and got the first blue screen, after that point it was an endless loop of blue screens, I couldn't start windos by literally any means, a lot before the windows logo poped up a blue screen poped, the same happened when:

1. Trying to repair PC (blue screen even before I'm offered any option)

2. Attempting to enter advanced options (again blue screen before I'm able to click on any button)

3. Doing a fresh install from USB by using the MediaCreationTool provided by Microsoft.

I verified with my work's PC that my hardware works just fine (Ram, HDD, in fact I was able to boot into windows), so I tried a workaround:

bought a new hard drive and tried to install windows 10 fresh, but once again I got blue screen the second the PC boots the USB, installed Ubuntu without any issues and even ran some benchmarks to make sure my processor is not broken (Core i5 9600K 6 cores: stress tests, all cores worked just fine, also temperature was good so the fans/radiator seemed to work just fine)

I try to install windows one more time, but once again just booting into USB gets a blue screen, so I was about to either buy a new Motherboard or update the BIOS (which seems everybody advices against): before doing that I gave a try installing windows 10 from a ISO I was able to find somewhere online (not the official one provided by Microsoft) and I was able to install windows, but since this ISO was from a outdated version (build 10586) my installation seems pretty limited so I tried to update my windows by using the Windows 10 Update Assistant, the moment it starts to install (and restarting) I get again a blue screen with message code System service exception, gave it another try but got the same issue "System service exception (fileinfo.sys)".

Up to this point I'm not really sure how to proceed from as you can see I've tried almost anything and I'm really thinking to attempt to update my BIOS or just buying a new motherboard, but since I am literally posting from a (bad) windows installation I'm quite certain this could be solved without spending more money than the new HDD I bought.

attaching some files that for what I've research could be useful, please let me know if these should be shared on a different way or if other files are required:

msinfo32.nfolatest dmp file

Thank you.

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