Can't login to Windows domain




I am on the east coast, connecting to some servers on the west coast.

The servers were previously members in another domain, but the domain
controller was reinstalled/changed to a new name. Previously, I had no
problem connecting to the domain controller and other machines in the domain
via Remote Desktop Client (RDC).

I have a new account in the new domain. I try to use RDC to connect to the
domain controller, the other machines, etc. But I can't. I have a Windows
XP SP2 machine, up to date on patches, and I'm connecting to Windows 2003

Everyone else on the west coast can connect to the domain, no problem.

I've tried three machines on my network, and I logged on to another wireless
network in the area, but none worked. I'm POSITIVE I'm entering the proper

I was able to sign in with the administrator account on the domain
controller and one of the other machines once, but not any more. It seems
like it was a random successful login on both machines.

Again, before the domain controller was changed, I had no problems. Noone
else is having this problem, either.

Any ideas?


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