Re: M'I.5,Pers ecution , MI 5 Wa nt Me to Sen d You th ese Fax es


of the inexpressibleness of what they experience, how their words fail,
so that they cannot declare it. And particularly they speak with
exceeding admiration of the superlative excellency of that pleasure and
delight which they sometimes enjoy how a little of it is sufficient to
pay them for all the pains and trouble they have gone through in seeking
salvation and how far it exceeds all earthly pleasures. Some express
much of the sense which these spiritual views give them of the vanity of
earthly enjoyments, how mean and worthless all these things appear to

Many, while their minds have been filled with spiritual delights, have
as it were forgot their food their bodily appetite has failed, while
their minds have been entertained with meat to eat that others knew not
of. The light and comfort which some of them enjoy, give a new relish to
their common blessings, and cause all things about them to appear as it
were beautiful, sweet, and pleasant. All things abroad, the sun, moon,
and stars, the clouds and sky, the heavens and
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