Computer shuts down automatically.



I don't understand this and I have no idea what is causing my computer to
shut down while its in the process of loading Windows.

to show more detail this how it goes: after the computer's bios runs it's
test it then goes in to access the hard drive to load Windows but the usual
loading Windows ME screen does not appear but now a black screen showing
information about two driver's is displayed and at the bottom of the second
one is a blinking cursor that blinks for a few seconds then the computer
automatically shuts down.

what could this possibly mean? please help.


Ushnell, this problem can be caused by a number of different issues, so
before we can help you further, you need to undertake one or both of the
following tests in order to try to localise the problem.

1) Try booting into Safe Mode. How to boot into Safe Mode? - The
'Official' MS method is holding down or 'stabbing at' the Ctrl OR the F8
keys, BUT you do need to do this IMMEDIATELY after you power up your PC and
keep 'stabbing' at them until the WinMe splash screen shows. You could also
try the same, but using the Shift key instead.

If your computer still continues to shut down and won't boot into Safe Mode
then try the next test.

1) Try booting, using your WinMe Startup Floppy Disk in the A drive. See if
your computer continues to the DOS Help pages and remains on - or if it
shuts down again like before.

If your computer will successfully boot into Safe Mode without shutting
down, the second test won't be necessary.

The outcome of either or both of these tests will help us determine the next
steps required to locate the fault.

Good luck


"Ushnell" <> wrote in message
>I don't understand this and I have no idea what is causing my computer to
> shut down while its in the process of loading Windows.
> to show more detail this how it goes: after the computer's bios runs it's
> test it then goes in to access the hard drive to load Windows but the
> usual
> loading Windows ME screen does not appear but now a black screen showing
> information about two driver's is displayed and at the bottom of the
> second
> one is a blinking cursor that blinks for a few seconds then the computer
> automatically shuts down.
> what could this possibly mean? please help.
> --
> Ushnell


"Ushnell" <> wrote in message
> I don't understand this and I have no idea what is causing my computer to
> shut down while its in the process of loading Windows.
> to show more detail this how it goes: after the computer's bios runs it's
> test it then goes in to access the hard drive to load Windows but the

> loading Windows ME screen does not appear but now a black screen showing
> information about two driver's is displayed and at the bottom of the

> one is a blinking cursor that blinks for a few seconds then the computer
> automatically shuts down.
> what could this possibly mean?

If you asked me, the exact contents of the message at shutdown are very
important to know,
in order to pinpoint the source of the problem, without generalizing.


> please help.
> --
> Ushnell


Thanks for your help Mart and I appreciate this but I have tried all the
steps you recommended except the floppy disk procedure (don't have it) way
before my question was answered in communities and none of them worked. The
computer shuts down even when I choose the Safe Mode option.

To better explain this situation, it goes by saying that it's a neighbor
that asked me that favor of fixing this computer having this problem and she
said she's not gonna spend hundreds of dollars getting it fixed and let me
have it and due to me being a computer type I decided to try to fix it myself
but I myself hit a dead end with this kind of problem. Her daughter lost the
ME CD. Bummer.

The best thing I did is used the bootlog feature and I then plugged the hard
drive as a slave to another master hard drive in my other computer and used
Notepad to read the bootup list and found some "failed" responses of the
system's initing of drivers and at the end of those it reads Kernel NLS
Initialization failed. after that then the system seems to be loading some
other drivers but after those it comes to list that COMM.DRV initing fialure.
error code is 0002. after that it seems that the computer is initiating a
command to terminate Kernel and Win32.

then lastly the system seems to be removing the hardware components such as
motherboard resources.

I think the termination of Kernel and Win32 is what's causing the automatic
shutdown. I hope this gives you a better view of this problem to better help
but what would be best is for you to read the boot-log file yourself.



"Mart" wrote:

> Ushnell, this problem can be caused by a number of different issues, so
> before we can help you further, you need to undertake one or both of the
> following tests in order to try to localise the problem.
> 1) Try booting into Safe Mode. How to boot into Safe Mode? - The
> 'Official' MS method is holding down or 'stabbing at' the Ctrl OR the F8
> keys, BUT you do need to do this IMMEDIATELY after you power up your PC and
> keep 'stabbing' at them until the WinMe splash screen shows. You could also
> try the same, but using the Shift key instead.
> If your computer still continues to shut down and won't boot into Safe Mode
> then try the next test.
> 1) Try booting, using your WinMe Startup Floppy Disk in the A drive. See if
> your computer continues to the DOS Help pages and remains on - or if it
> shuts down again like before.
> If your computer will successfully boot into Safe Mode without shutting
> down, the second test won't be necessary.
> The outcome of either or both of these tests will help us determine the next
> steps required to locate the fault.
> Good luck
> Mart
> "Ushnell" <> wrote in message
> >I don't understand this and I have no idea what is causing my computer to
> > shut down while its in the process of loading Windows.
> >
> > to show more detail this how it goes: after the computer's bios runs it's
> > test it then goes in to access the hard drive to load Windows but the
> > usual
> > loading Windows ME screen does not appear but now a black screen showing
> > information about two driver's is displayed and at the bottom of the
> > second
> > one is a blinking cursor that blinks for a few seconds then the computer
> > automatically shuts down.
> >
> > what could this possibly mean? please help.
> > --
> > Ushnell



It's the Oak Technology driver for the CD-ROM drive that Windows is loading
when the black screen appears proceeding to the shutdown. that's about all I
can say for details.

"webster72n" wrote:

> "Ushnell" <> wrote in message
> > I don't understand this and I have no idea what is causing my computer to
> > shut down while its in the process of loading Windows.
> >
> > to show more detail this how it goes: after the computer's bios runs it's
> > test it then goes in to access the hard drive to load Windows but the

> usual
> > loading Windows ME screen does not appear but now a black screen showing
> > information about two driver's is displayed and at the bottom of the

> second
> > one is a blinking cursor that blinks for a few seconds then the computer
> > automatically shuts down.
> >
> > what could this possibly mean?

> If you asked me, the exact contents of the message at shutdown are very
> important to know,
> in order to pinpoint the source of the problem, without generalizing.
> Harry.
> > please help.
> > --
> > Ushnell



Ushnell, sadly your current approach is likely to be in vain (and very
misleading) until you do some basic testing with the winMe startup floppy
disk. For example, in your reply to Harry you mention "the Oak Technology
driver for the CD-ROM drive" . The CD-ROM drivers are NOT loaded (*by
design*) when you boot in Safe Mode, and you state that the PC fails in Safe
Mode too. So that would rule-out CD-ROM driver issues *at this time* Even
the bootlog feature can be misleading at this stage. We need to know in
which area the machine is failing: WinMe System, Hard Drive, Memory,
Motherboard, Power unit, heat related, hardware, etc., etc.

So OK where do we go from here? As you don't already have a WinMe floppy
disk, you can download a WinMe Bootdisk making utility (select the 'Windows
Me OEM' option) from :-

**But be sure to read the instructions on how to actually create the
bootdisk** - which are essentially :-

Don't just copy the download to a floppy disk, download the file onto your
computer (any computer, with an A:drive - the one you are using to write to
this news group) and then you MUST run the file for it to actually create
the Startup (floppy) disk. Just follow the screen

Then try booting, using your WinMe Startup Floppy Disk in the A drive. See
if your computer continues to the DOS Help pages and remains on (for a
prolonged period) and confirm that scrolling using Page Up and Down keys
work OK - or if it shuts down again like before.

If necessary, try either or both options of With or Without CD-ROM support.

Again, the outcome of either or both of these tests will help us determine
the next steps required to locate the fault.


"Ushnell" <> wrote in message
> Thanks for your help Mart and I appreciate this but I have tried all the
> steps you recommended except the floppy disk procedure (don't have it) way
> before my question was answered in communities and none of them worked.
> The
> computer shuts down even when I choose the Safe Mode option.
> To better explain this situation, it goes by saying that it's a neighbor
> that asked me that favor of fixing this computer having this problem and
> she
> said she's not gonna spend hundreds of dollars getting it fixed and let me
> have it and due to me being a computer type I decided to try to fix it
> myself
> but I myself hit a dead end with this kind of problem. Her daughter lost
> the
> ME CD. Bummer.
> The best thing I did is used the bootlog feature and I then plugged the
> hard
> drive as a slave to another master hard drive in my other computer and
> used
> Notepad to read the bootup list and found some "failed" responses of the
> system's initing of drivers and at the end of those it reads Kernel NLS
> Initialization failed. after that then the system seems to be loading some
> other drivers but after those it comes to list that COMM.DRV initing
> fialure.
> error code is 0002. after that it seems that the computer is initiating a
> command to terminate Kernel and Win32.
> then lastly the system seems to be removing the hardware components such
> as
> motherboard resources.
> I think the termination of Kernel and Win32 is what's causing the
> automatic
> shutdown. I hope this gives you a better view of this problem to better
> help
> but what would be best is for you to read the boot-log file yourself.
> Thanks.
> --
> Ushnell
> "Mart" wrote:
>> Ushnell, this problem can be caused by a number of different issues, so
>> before we can help you further, you need to undertake one or both of the
>> following tests in order to try to localise the problem.
>> 1) Try booting into Safe Mode. How to boot into Safe Mode? - The
>> 'Official' MS method is holding down or 'stabbing at' the Ctrl OR the F8
>> keys, BUT you do need to do this IMMEDIATELY after you power up your PC
>> and
>> keep 'stabbing' at them until the WinMe splash screen shows. You could
>> also
>> try the same, but using the Shift key instead.
>> If your computer still continues to shut down and won't boot into Safe
>> Mode
>> then try the next test.
>> 1) Try booting, using your WinMe Startup Floppy Disk in the A drive. See
>> if
>> your computer continues to the DOS Help pages and remains on - or if it
>> shuts down again like before.
>> If your computer will successfully boot into Safe Mode without shutting
>> down, the second test won't be necessary.
>> The outcome of either or both of these tests will help us determine the
>> next
>> steps required to locate the fault.
>> Good luck
>> Mart
>> "Ushnell" <> wrote in message
>> >I don't understand this and I have no idea what is causing my computer
>> >to
>> > shut down while its in the process of loading Windows.
>> >
>> > to show more detail this how it goes: after the computer's bios runs
>> > it's
>> > test it then goes in to access the hard drive to load Windows but the
>> > usual
>> > loading Windows ME screen does not appear but now a black screen
>> > showing
>> > information about two driver's is displayed and at the bottom of the
>> > second
>> > one is a blinking cursor that blinks for a few seconds then the
>> > computer
>> > automatically shuts down.
>> >
>> > what could this possibly mean? please help.
>> > --
>> > Ushnell


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