Media Player 9 Playback


Charles Bennett

Recently I attemped to play a music cd. A popup appeared and said "unable
to play, settings have been changed by another program".

I recently installed both VLC for Windows and the FLV player for YouTube
Videos. I figured they were the best suspects. Unistalled, and removed all
references from the Registry. Went to Tools-Options and rechecked "music cd

Still, no good. Back to Options and "music cd playback", un-checked.
Several more times same story. Checked all I can think up browsing thru
system. Apparantly there is a program or setting I'm missing still active
which turns off the playback option.

Grateful for any suggestions.

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"Charles Bennett" <> wrote in message
| Recently I attemped to play a music cd. A popup appeared and said "unable
| to play, settings have been changed by another program".
| I recently installed both VLC for Windows and the FLV player for YouTube
| Videos. I figured they were the best suspects. Unistalled, and removed all
| references from the Registry. Went to Tools-Options and rechecked "music
| playback".
| Still, no good. Back to Options and "music cd playback", un-checked.
| Several more times same story. Checked all I can think up browsing thru
| system. Apparantly there is a program or setting I'm missing still active
| which turns off the playback option.
| Grateful for any suggestions.
| --
| -------------------- http://NewsReader.Com/ --------------------
| Usenet Newsgroup Service $9.95/Month 30GB

Try going into Folder Options > File Types, and
re-associating/de-associating the related file extension types back to Media
Player.that you wish to associate with MS MP playback. Also check for any
associations left from uninstalled programs. You will need a &PLAY mime
association IIRC.


C Bennett

"MEB" <meb@not> wrote:
> "Charles Bennett" <> wrote in message
> news:20080119184228.764$
> | Recently I attemped to play a music cd. A popup appeared and said
> | "unable to play, settings have been changed by another program".
> |
> | I recently installed both VLC for Windows and the FLV player for
> | YouTube Videos. I figured they were the best suspects. Unistalled, and
> | removed all references from the Registry. Went to Tools-Options and
> | rechecked "music
> cd
> | playback".
> |
> | Still, no good. Back to Options and "music cd playback", un-checked.
> | Several more times same story. Checked all I can think up browsing thru
> | system. Apparantly there is a program or setting I'm missing still
> | active which turns off the playback option.
> |
> | Grateful for any suggestions.
> |
> | --
> | -------------------- http://NewsReader.Com/ --------------------
> | Usenet Newsgroup Service $9.95/Month 30GB
> Try going into Folder Options > File Types, and
> re-associating/de-associating the related file extension types back to
> Media Player.that you wish to associate with MS MP playback. Also check
> for any associations left from uninstalled programs. You will need a
> &PLAY mime association IIRC.
> ~

> _______________

Already tried Options >File types. Checked and unchecked every item a
number of times. That's where "Music CD Playback" is. Tried again, still
no luck. I'll keep poking around and will get sooner or later. Thanks.

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Usenet Newsgroup Service $9.95/Month 30GB


"C Bennett" <> wrote in message
> "MEB" <meb@not> wrote:
>> "Charles Bennett" <> wrote in message
>> news:20080119184228.764$
>> | Recently I attemped to play a music cd. A popup appeared and said
>> | "unable to play, settings have been changed by another program".
>> |
>> | I recently installed both VLC for Windows and the FLV player for
>> | YouTube Videos. I figured they were the best suspects. Unistalled, and
>> | removed all references from the Registry. Went to Tools-Options and
>> | rechecked "music
>> cd
>> | playback".
>> |
>> | Still, no good. Back to Options and "music cd playback", un-checked.
>> | Several more times same story. Checked all I can think up browsing thru
>> | system. Apparantly there is a program or setting I'm missing still
>> | active which turns off the playback option.
>> |
>> | Grateful for any suggestions.
>> |
>> Try going into Folder Options > File Types, and
>> re-associating/de-associating the related file extension types back to
>> Media Player.that you wish to associate with MS MP playback. Also check
>> for any associations left from uninstalled programs. You will need a
>> &PLAY mime association IIRC.

> Already tried Options >File types. Checked and unchecked every item a
> number of times. That's where "Music CD Playback" is. Tried again, still
> no luck. I'll keep poking around and will get sooner or later. Thanks.

I think there is a miscommunication here. MEB appears to be suggesting that you go
to Folder Options> FileTypes menu in My Computer or Windows Explorer (or Start>
Settings> Folder Options, on the Windows Start Menu), and toggling the association

You appear to be re-stating that you have already toggled the setting, but from
within Media Player's Tools> Options menu, File Types tab....which is a different
Glen Ventura, MS MVP Shell/User, A+

C Bennett

"glee" <> wrote:
> "C Bennett" <> wrote in message
> news:20080120031243.179$
> > "MEB" <meb@not> wrote:
> >> "Charles Bennett" <> wrote in message
> >> news:20080119184228.764$
> >> | Recently I attemped to play a music cd. A popup appeared and said
> >> | "unable to play, settings have been changed by another program".
> >> |
> >> | I recently installed both VLC for Windows and the FLV player for
> >> | YouTube Videos. I figured they were the best suspects. Unistalled,
> >> | and removed all references from the Registry. Went to Tools-Options
> >> | and rechecked "music
> >> cd
> >> | playback".
> >> |
> >> | Still, no good. Back to Options and "music cd playback", un-checked.
> >> | Several more times same story. Checked all I can think up browsing
> >> | thru system. Apparantly there is a program or setting I'm missing
> >> | still active which turns off the playback option.
> >> |
> >> | Grateful for any suggestions.
> >> |
> >>
> >> Try going into Folder Options > File Types, and
> >> re-associating/de-associating the related file extension types back to
> >> Media Player.that you wish to associate with MS MP playback. Also
> >> check for any associations left from uninstalled programs. You will
> >> need a &PLAY mime association IIRC.
> >>

> >
> > Already tried Options >File types. Checked and unchecked every item a
> > number of times. That's where "Music CD Playback" is. Tried again,
> > still no luck. I'll keep poking around and will get sooner or later.
> > Thanks.

> I think there is a miscommunication here. MEB appears to be suggesting
> that you go to Folder Options> FileTypes menu in My Computer or Windows
> Explorer (or Start> Settings> Folder Options, on the Windows Start Menu),
> and toggling the association there.
> You appear to be re-stating that you have already toggled the setting,
> but from within Media Player's Tools> Options menu, File Types
> tab....which is a different thing.

You are correct. I was not reading correctly.

Went into both Explorer >Folder Options and Start > Settings
I thought I had taken care of VLC but found it all over the place. Like
some kind of virus trying to take over.

I tried both Edit and Add New File Type without success. Is Description
of Type...Audio/CD?
Audio/MIDI Content Type (Mime): Audio/Mid ?
Extionsions: CDA ? Error msg saying ext being used, pick another.
Opens With MPlayer9 ?
Actions: ?? Area greyed out. Unable to try anything yet.

I'll keep trying and advise if any progress. Thanks again.

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Usenet Newsgroup Service $9.95/Month 30GB


"C Bennett" <> wrote in message
| "glee" <> wrote:
| > "C Bennett" <> wrote in message
| > news:20080120031243.179$
| > > "MEB" <meb@not> wrote:
| > >> "Charles Bennett" <> wrote in message
| > >> news:20080119184228.764$
| > >> | Recently I attemped to play a music cd. A popup appeared and said
| > >> | "unable to play, settings have been changed by another program".
| > >> |
| > >> | I recently installed both VLC for Windows and the FLV player for
| > >> | YouTube Videos. I figured they were the best suspects. Unistalled,
| > >> | and removed all references from the Registry. Went to Tools-Options
| > >> | and rechecked "music
| > >> cd
| > >> | playback".
| > >> |
| > >> | Still, no good. Back to Options and "music cd playback",
| > >> | Several more times same story. Checked all I can think up browsing
| > >> | thru system. Apparantly there is a program or setting I'm missing
| > >> | still active which turns off the playback option.
| > >> |
| > >> | Grateful for any suggestions.
| > >> |
| > >>
| > >> Try going into Folder Options > File Types, and
| > >> re-associating/de-associating the related file extension types back
| > >> Media Player.that you wish to associate with MS MP playback. Also
| > >> check for any associations left from uninstalled programs. You will
| > >> need a &PLAY mime association IIRC.
| > >>
| > >
| > > Already tried Options >File types. Checked and unchecked every item
| > > number of times. That's where "Music CD Playback" is. Tried again,
| > > still no luck. I'll keep poking around and will get sooner or later.
| > > Thanks.
| >
| > I think there is a miscommunication here. MEB appears to be suggesting
| > that you go to Folder Options> FileTypes menu in My Computer or Windows
| > Explorer (or Start> Settings> Folder Options, on the Windows Start
| > and toggling the association there.
| >
| > You appear to be re-stating that you have already toggled the setting,
| > but from within Media Player's Tools> Options menu, File Types
| > tab....which is a different thing.
| You are correct. I was not reading correctly.
| Went into both Explorer >Folder Options and Start > Settings
| I thought I had taken care of VLC but found it all over the place. Like
| some kind of virus trying to take over.
| I tried both Edit and Add New File Type without success. Is Description
| of Type...Audio/CD?
| Audio/MIDI Content Type (Mime): Audio/Mid ?
| Extionsions: CDA ? Error msg saying ext being used, pick another.
| Opens With MPlayer9 ?
| Actions: ?? Area greyed out. Unable to try anything yet.
| I'll keep trying and advise if any progress. Thanks again.
| --
| -------------------- http://NewsReader.Com/ --------------------
| Usenet Newsgroup Service $9.95/Month 30GB

I try to avoid over-installs unless absolutely needed, but FYI:

If you can't get what you need, try on the site, and look in the catalog [you'll
have to PERSONALIZE if you haven't already] or over on microsoft downloads.

The re-install should allow you to re-configure the associations in one
swoop. Note you will need to apply the updates for WMP9 again, which MAY
require unzipping them and installing via the inf, IF you can't get them
from the update site after re-installing.




Charles Bennett wrote:
| Recently I attemped to play a music cd. A popup appeared and said
| "unable to play, settings have been changed by another program".
| I recently installed both VLC for Windows and the FLV player for
| YouTube Videos. I figured they were the best suspects. Unistalled,
| and removed all references from the Registry. Went to Tools-Options
| and rechecked "music cd playback".
| Still, no good. Back to Options and "music cd playback", un-checked.
| Several more times same story. Checked all I can think up browsing
| thru system. Apparantly there is a program or setting I'm missing
| still active which turns off the playback option.

I think you did the right thing. At that...

"WMP, Tools menu, Options, File Types tab" requestor,

.... click the Help button. Here is a quote from it...

"Note: If a selected check box is dimmed, Windows Media Player has only
partial ownership of the file type. Multiple file extensions are
assigned to the file type, but the Player only plays some of those
extensions by default. To give the Player full ownership of a file type,
double-click the dimmed check box."

So, if the checkbox for "Music CD Playback" is dimmed, double-click it.
This one is for the filetype of ".cda"-- & that is what I see to be the
extension on my store-bought music CD files opened in Explorer.

Also, it wouldn't hurt to do as MEB & glee said, & investigate...

"START button, Settings, Folder Options, File Types tab"

(a) Scroll to "CD Audio Track", & click "Edit".

An "Edit File Type" requestor opens.
Description of type: "CD Audio Track".
Content Type (MIME): The box is empty.
The Actions window shows: Open & Play.
"Play" is highlighted, because it is the default action.

(b) Double-Click the Open action.

Action box: &Open (shaded).
Application Used To Perform Action: shows the following with all
the quotes...

"C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe" /Open "%L"

(c) Double click the Play action.
Action box: &Play (shaded).
Application Used To Perform Action: shows the following with all
the quotes...

"C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe" /Play "%L"

| Grateful for any suggestions.
| --
| -------------------- http://NewsReader.Com/ --------------------
| Usenet Newsgroup Service $9.95/Month 30GB

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,

Roger Fink

C Bennett wrote:
> "glee" <> wrote:
>> "C Bennett" <> wrote in message
>> news:20080120031243.179$
>>> "MEB" <meb@not> wrote:
>>>> "Charles Bennett" <> wrote in message
>>>> news:20080119184228.764$
>>>>> Recently I attemped to play a music cd. A popup appeared and said
>>>>> "unable to play, settings have been changed by another program".
>>>>> I recently installed both VLC for Windows and the FLV player for
>>>>> YouTube Videos. I figured they were the best suspects. Unistalled,
>>>>> and removed all references from the Registry. Went to
>>>>> Tools-Options and rechecked "music
>>>> cd
>>>>> playback".
>>>>> Still, no good. Back to Options and "music cd playback",
>>>>> un-checked. Several more times same story. Checked all I can
>>>>> think up browsing thru system. Apparantly there is a program or
>>>>> setting I'm missing still active which turns off the playback
>>>>> option.
>>>>> Grateful for any suggestions.
>>>> Try going into Folder Options > File Types, and
>>>> re-associating/de-associating the related file extension types
>>>> back to Media Player.that you wish to associate with MS MP
>>>> playback. Also check for any associations left from uninstalled
>>>> programs. You will need a &PLAY mime association IIRC.
>>> Already tried Options >File types. Checked and unchecked every
>>> item a number of times. That's where "Music CD Playback" is.
>>> Tried again, still no luck. I'll keep poking around and will get
>>> sooner or later. Thanks.

>> I think there is a miscommunication here. MEB appears to be
>> suggesting that you go to Folder Options> FileTypes menu in My
>> Computer or Windows Explorer (or Start> Settings> Folder Options, on
>> the Windows Start Menu), and toggling the association there.
>> You appear to be re-stating that you have already toggled the
>> setting, but from within Media Player's Tools> Options menu, File
>> Types tab....which is a different thing.

> You are correct. I was not reading correctly.
> Went into both Explorer >Folder Options and Start > Settings
> I thought I had taken care of VLC but found it all over the place.
> Like some kind of virus trying to take over.
> I tried both Edit and Add New File Type without success. Is
> Description of Type...Audio/CD?
> Audio/MIDI Content Type (Mime): Audio/Mid ?
> Extionsions: CDA ? Error msg saying ext being used, pick another.
> Opens With MPlayer9 ?
> Actions: ?? Area greyed out. Unable to try anything yet.
> I'll keep trying and advise if any progress. Thanks again.

Since nothing has worked so far, here are a couple of longshots:

There are instructions here for turning on/off CD autorun (separately, for
audio and data) in 98 using tweakui:
If you turn off autorun you may be able to use the player manually through
Windows Explorer. Or if it's shown in tweakui as off but is popping up with
an error message, you may get it to work by enabling it in tweakui. In my
experience, if you do anything with audio CD's in WMP besides listen,
autorun is a pain in the butt, so I was delighted to discover a way to beat

Also, while it may or may not deal with the problem you are having, here is
the (stupendously disorganized) mother of all Windows Media Player sites.
There is plenty there to lead one astray if you aren't sure what you're
getting into, so caveat, but the extent of information provided is

Like I said - longshots. Good luck.

Roger Fink

> Also, while it may or may not deal with the problem you are having,
> here is the (stupendously disorganized) mother of all Windows Media
> Player sites.
> There is plenty there to lead one astray if you aren't sure what
> you're getting into, so caveat, but the extent of information
> provided is mind-boggling.
> Like I said - longshots. Good luck.

If you have an error number, suggest trying a find-on-page search using
that. There are many, many error listings, maybe all of them. This guy must
have worked for Microsoft developing this stuff.

C Bennett

"Roger Fink" <> wrote:
> >
> > Also, while it may or may not deal with the problem you are having,
> > here is the (stupendously disorganized) mother of all Windows Media
> > Player sites.
> > There is plenty there to lead one astray if you aren't sure what
> > you're getting into, so caveat, but the extent of information
> > provided is mind-boggling.
> >
> > Like I said - longshots. Good luck.

> If you have an error number, suggest trying a find-on-page search using
> that. There are many, many error listings, maybe all of them. This guy
> must have worked for Microsoft developing this stuff.

Thanks to everyone who replied. Haven't solved yet, but I've been very busy
with personal things coming up this week and have not really spent much
time on it. Will get back.

Again, thanks....

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Usenet Newsgroup Service $9.95/Month 30GB


C Bennett wrote:
| "Roger Fink" <> wrote:
|> >
|> > Also, while it may or may not deal with the problem you are having,
|> > here is the (stupendously disorganized) mother of all Windows Media
|> > Player sites.
|> > There is plenty there to lead one astray if you aren't sure what
|> > you're getting into, so caveat, but the extent of information
|> > provided is mind-boggling.
|> >
|> > Like I said - longshots. Good luck.
|> If you have an error number, suggest trying a find-on-page search
|> using that. There are many, many error listings, maybe all of them.
|> This guy must have worked for Microsoft developing this stuff.
| Thanks to everyone who replied. Haven't solved yet, but I've been
| very busy with personal things coming up this week and have not
| really spent much time on it. Will get back.

You are welcome. Keep us informed. I've updated the following to include
omitted items...

"START button, Settings, Folder Options, File Types tab"

(a) Scroll to "CD Audio Track", & click "Edit".

An "Edit File Type" requestor opens.
Description of type: "CD Audio Track".
Content Type (MIME): The box is empty.
The Actions window shows: Open & Play.
"Play" is highlighted (darker), because it is the default action.
If yours is not, then click it & click the Set Default button.

(b) Double-Click the Open action.

Action box: &Open (shaded).
Use DDE: Unchecked.
Application Used To Perform Action: shows the following with all
the quotes...

"C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe" /Open "%L"

(c) Double click the Play action.
Action box: &Play (shaded).
Use DDE: Unchecked.
Application Used To Perform Action: shows the following with all
the quotes...

"C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe" /Play "%L"

| Again, thanks....
| --
| -------------------- http://NewsReader.Com/ --------------------
| Usenet Newsgroup Service $9.95/Month 30GB

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,

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