Windows 7, why would you buy VISTA


Bill in Co.

I get a "The page cannot be displayed" when clicking on that link. ???

MEB wrote:
> Well, that didn't take very long did it.
> Word is that Microsoft MAY release Windows 7 early, apparently making

> a VERY poor choice for potential upgraders.
> Yep, dig in your pocket again for the very newest Microsoft glamour OS...
> and don't forget to buy all new peripherals and software AGAIN....
> --
> _________

Bill Watt

Hi Bill,

FWIW, I get it on IE 5.5 and Firefox.


Bill Watt
Win98 Computer Help & Other Information

On Sun, 20 Jan 2008 16:21:48 -0700, "Bill in Co."
<> wrote:

>I get a "The page cannot be displayed" when clicking on that link. ???
>MEB wrote:
>> Well, that didn't take very long did it.
>> Word is that Microsoft MAY release Windows 7 early, apparently making

>> a VERY poor choice for potential upgraders.
>> Yep, dig in your pocket again for the very newest Microsoft glamour OS...
>> and don't forget to buy all new peripherals and software AGAIN....
>> --
>> MEB
>> _________



Bill in Co. wrote:
| I get a "The page cannot be displayed" when clicking on that link.
| ???

It works for me too on IE6 SP1! It is rumor-mongering by Mary Jo Foley
that even Vista soon may become extinct!

| MEB wrote:
|> Well, that didn't take very long did it.
|> Word is that Microsoft MAY release Windows 7 early, apparently
|> making VISTA a VERY poor choice for potential upgraders.
|> Yep, dig in your pocket again for the very newest Microsoft glamour
|> OS... and don't forget to buy all new peripherals and software
|> AGAIN....
|> --
|> MEB
|> _________

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


"PCR" <> wrote in message
| Bill in Co. wrote:
| | I get a "The page cannot be displayed" when clicking on that link.
| | ???
| It works for me too on IE6 SP1! It is rumor-mongering by Mary Jo Foley
| that even Vista soon may become extinct!

Not necessarily rumor. The buzz around the net is that VISTA is the
equivalent of ME in the NT world, and this comes from the users. Apparently,
the late service pack is irritating those users. The list of requested fixes
may have bogged down the programmers.

Meanwhile, the late XP Service Pack 3 [final version second quarter 2008] is
also irritating the users of that OS. That is the final Service Pack, so the
one year count down to non-support follows. The present release candidate is
336.1 megs.

And finally, Windows 7 might be the actual last 386/486/Pentium Intel code
carry forward [non-server], so what works with these old code OSs will
likely need replaced when the new processors and new OSs are released,
making these END OF THE LINE products poor choices for both business and the

Then again, the market needs stimulated, so expect a push at PATRIOTIC
purchasing.... when the world stops consuming all the new technology,
economies tank and governments lose their control.

| | MEB wrote:
| |> Well, that didn't take very long did it.
| |>
| |> Word is that Microsoft MAY release Windows 7 early, apparently
| |> making VISTA a VERY poor choice for potential upgraders.
| |> Yep, dig in your pocket again for the very newest Microsoft glamour
| |> OS... and don't forget to buy all new peripherals and software
| |> AGAIN....
| |>
| |>
| |>
| |> --
| |>
| |> MEB
| |> _________
| --




MEB wrote:
| "PCR" <> wrote in message
| news:um0ENGIXIHA.3940@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
|| Bill in Co. wrote:
|| | I get a "The page cannot be displayed" when clicking on that link.
|| | ???
|| It works for me too on IE6 SP1! It is rumor-mongering by Mary Jo
|| Foley that even Vista soon may become extinct!
| Not necessarily rumor. The buzz around the net is that VISTA is the
| equivalent of ME in the NT world, and this comes from the users.
| Apparently, the late service pack is irritating those users. The list
| of requested fixes may have bogged down the programmers.
| Meanwhile, the late XP Service Pack 3 [final version second quarter
| 2008] is also irritating the users of that OS. That is the final
| Service Pack, so the one year count down to non-support follows. The
| present release candidate is 336.1 megs.
| And finally, Windows 7 might be the actual last 386/486/Pentium
| Intel code carry forward [non-server], so what works with these old
| code OSs will likely need replaced when the new processors and new
| OSs are released, making these END OF THE LINE products poor choices
| for both business and the consumer..
| Then again, the market needs stimulated, so expect a push at
| PATRIOTIC purchasing.... when the world stops consuming all the new
| technology, economies tank and governments lose their control.

All of that is fairly logical & everyone can see the radiation burns on
XP & Vista fingers. Also, their earlobes have all fallen off. But it
still is rumor until Windows 7 actually comes out in 2010 or so &
someone can touch it. On that date I may forgive XP & Vista people for
thinking they were in a better boat than us lowly Win98 folk. But I'm
not calling you or that rumor-monger Mary Jo Foley a liar!

|| | MEB wrote:
|| |> Well, that didn't take very long did it.
|| |>
|| |> Word is that Microsoft MAY release Windows 7 early, apparently
|| |> making VISTA a VERY poor choice for potential upgraders.
|| |> Yep, dig in your pocket again for the very newest Microsoft
|| |> glamour OS... and don't forget to buy all new peripherals and
|| |> software AGAIN....
|| |>
|| |>
|| |>
|| |> --
|| |>
|| |> MEB
|| |> _________
|| --
|| PCR
| --
| _________

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,

Lil' Dave

"MEB" <meb@not> wrote in message
> Well, that didn't take very long did it.
> Word is that Microsoft MAY release Windows 7 early, apparently making
> a VERY poor choice for potential upgraders.
> Yep, dig in your pocket again for the very newest Microsoft glamour OS...
> and don't forget to buy all new peripherals and software AGAIN....
> --
> _________



"Lil' Dave" <> wrote in message
| "MEB" <meb@not> wrote in message
| news:e2MPPL6WIHA.1376@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
| > Well, that didn't take very long did it.
| >
| > Word is that Microsoft MAY release Windows 7 early, apparently making
| > a VERY poor choice for potential upgraders.
| > Yep, dig in your pocket again for the very newest Microsoft glamour
| > and don't forget to buy all new peripherals and software AGAIN....
| >
| >
| >
| > --
| >
| > MEB
| >
| > _________
| >
| >
| >
| Dave

Another version, which includes a little more 'leaked' information such as
the WinMin smaller kernel "that takes up only 40 MB of memory". That would
be a nifty change for Microsoft when compared to the recent OSs. Perhaps a
return to tighter coding... then again, that has been on the 'wish list' for
the NT line for quite some time. Anyone actually think that's going to
occur? And when did 40 megs become supposedly small?



John John

MEB wrote:

> "Lil' Dave" <> wrote in message
> news:O2B8POnXIHA.5816@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
> | "MEB" <meb@not> wrote in message
> | news:e2MPPL6WIHA.1376@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
> | > Well, that didn't take very long did it.
> | >
> | > Word is that Microsoft MAY release Windows 7 early, apparently making
> | > VISTA
> | > a VERY poor choice for potential upgraders.
> | > Yep, dig in your pocket again for the very newest Microsoft glamour
> OS...
> | > and don't forget to buy all new peripherals and software AGAIN....
> | >
> | >
> | >
> | > --
> | >
> | > MEB
> | >
> | > _________
> | >
> | >
> | >
> |
> |
> |
> | Dave
> |
> |
> Another version, which includes a little more 'leaked' information such as
> the WinMin smaller kernel "that takes up only 40 MB of memory". That would
> be a nifty change for Microsoft when compared to the recent OSs. Perhaps a
> return to tighter coding... then again, that has been on the 'wish list' for
> the NT line for quite some time. Anyone actually think that's going to
> occur? And when did 40 megs become supposedly small?

It's all relative, considering that most new machines ship with 1GB or
2GB of RAM, 40MB appears relatively small.

But I know how what you mean. In the DOS days of old when memory was
scarcer than hen's teeth good applications were small and tightly
written and they were fast and performed quite well. I think of WP5.1
and Lotus 123 that we were running on a Novell over DOS network and
these were marvelous applications. The modern Lotus or the WinWord
counterparts are flashy and full of bells and whistles... but they
aren't much of any better that the old ones were. Don't get me wrong, I
like having some of the nice new features that came about with increased
memory availability, but as memory became more abundant it seems that
programmers became sloppier and writing tight bug free code took a
backseat to application bling-bling!



Dead on! I would have to agree.

I noted on several sites the Microsoft killed Office old file
importation/conversion [for awhile anyway] with one of its HOTFIXes... how
could a programmer miss that ... backward importability/conversion is the
supposed forte of Office and its docs...



"John John" <> wrote in message
| MEB wrote:
| > "Lil' Dave" <> wrote in message
| > news:O2B8POnXIHA.5816@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
| > | "MEB" <meb@not> wrote in message
| > | news:e2MPPL6WIHA.1376@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
| > | > Well, that didn't take very long did it.
| > | >
| > | > Word is that Microsoft MAY release Windows 7 early, apparently
| > | > VISTA
| > | > a VERY poor choice for potential upgraders.
| > | > Yep, dig in your pocket again for the very newest Microsoft glamour
| > OS...
| > | > and don't forget to buy all new peripherals and software AGAIN....
| > | >
| > | >
| > | >
| > | > --
| > | >
| > | > MEB
| > | >
| > | > _________
| > | >
| > | >
| > | >
| > |
| > |
| > |
| > | Dave
| > |
| > |
| >
| > Another version, which includes a little more 'leaked' information such
| > the WinMin smaller kernel "that takes up only 40 MB of memory". That
| > be a nifty change for Microsoft when compared to the recent OSs. Perhaps
| > return to tighter coding... then again, that has been on the 'wish list'
| > the NT line for quite some time. Anyone actually think that's going to
| > occur? And when did 40 megs become supposedly small?
| It's all relative, considering that most new machines ship with 1GB or
| 2GB of RAM, 40MB appears relatively small.
| But I know how what you mean. In the DOS days of old when memory was
| scarcer than hen's teeth good applications were small and tightly
| written and they were fast and performed quite well. I think of WP5.1
| and Lotus 123 that we were running on a Novell over DOS network and
| these were marvelous applications. The modern Lotus or the WinWord
| counterparts are flashy and full of bells and whistles... but they
| aren't much of any better that the old ones were. Don't get me wrong, I
| like having some of the nice new features that came about with increased
| memory availability, but as memory became more abundant it seems that
| programmers became sloppier and writing tight bug free code took a
| backseat to application bling-bling!
| John

On Sun, 20 Jan 2008 15:26:47 -0500, "MEB" <meb@not>

> Well, that didn't take very long did it.
> Word is that Microsoft MAY release Windows 7 early, apparently making VISTA
>a VERY poor choice for potential upgraders.
> Yep, dig in your pocket again for the very newest Microsoft glamour OS...
>and don't forget to buy all new peripherals and software AGAIN....

You mean I got to buy another new computer, and toss the new one I got
2 months ago in the trash?

Oops, sorry, that was a brain fart. I just had a nightmare in my
sleep last week that I got a new computer with Vista. When I woke up
I still had my good old computer with Windows 98. I was really happy
to see it on my desk.

Whew, that was one hell of a frightening nightmare! When I jumped up
and out of my bed I was screaming in pain and yelling four letter
words at Bill Gates.

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