.NET Framework Updates make my cry



Last year I went through the process of removing .NET Framework 1.0
and 1.1 in order to get 2.0 installed correctly. Last Saturday (the
26th of January) I noticed that the updates for 2.0 and 3.0 failed. I
searched this group, other groups, and GOOGLE searches to find
solutions, and was amazed at how many others are having similar

I'm trying to install the upgrades (security patches, etc.) on a
Windows XP Media Center 2005 OS with all patches up to date.

I didn't need the Stebner software that PA Bear had mentioned in other
posts. I was able to uninstall .NET 2.0 and 3.0 from the Add/Remove
app. I did run the CleanUp Tool to make sure that a reference to these
were not present. I uninstalled 3.0 prior to 2.0 in the event that
this made a difference.

I installed .NET 2.0 and received a notice that it was intalled
successfully. I then installed .NET 2.0 SP1 and received a successful
installation notice.

I then went to install .NET .30 but it apologized that it encountered
an error and could not continue. I opened the error log from the
provided link. Contents of that file is:
[01/28/08,19:21:34] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0: [2] Error:
Installation failed for component Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0. MSI
returned error code 1603
[01/28/08,19:21:49] WapUI: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft .NET
Framework 2.0 is not installed.
[01/28/08,20:04:02] Windows Communication Foundation: [2] Error:
Installation failed for component Windows Communication Foundation.
MSI returned error code 1603
[01/28/08,20:04:09] WapUI: [2] DepCheck indicates Windows
Communication Foundation is not installed.

If I read correctly, the .NET 3.0 installation said that the .NET 2.0
installation failed? The last line says that "Windows Communication
Foundation is not installed" so I GOOGLED this since I had no idea
what this product was, and GOOGLE brought me to the Microsoft site for
downloading .NET 3.5. I'm guessing that what this statement is saying
is that I don't have a successful installation of a .NET Framework in
which to install the 3.0 version.

How can I get a successful installation message from the two .NET 2.0
installations, but the 3.0 installation says it's not installed?

This time I did not uninstall .NET 1.0 and 1.1, do I really have to
uninstall them too. I think I did a reboot between the .NET 2.0
and .NET 3.0 installation, but not certain, is this mandatory,
although the installation didn't require it? I did perform a reboot
between the uninstalls and the first .NET 2.0 installation.

Any insights to help me through this?

Thank you.

Timothy Daniels

"Clamorous" <Joseph.Sander@goodrich.com> wrote:
> Last year I went through the process of removing .NET Framework 1.0
> and 1.1 in order to get 2.0 installed correctly. Last Saturday (the
> 26th of January) I noticed that the updates for 2.0 and 3.0 failed. I
> searched this group, other groups, and GOOGLE searches to find
> solutions, and was amazed at how many others are having similar
> problems.
> [..........].

There are many NGs for .NET Framework. Why not try one
of the following:


If your ISP doesn't subscribe to these NGs, just set up a free
account with the Microsoft news server."news.microsoft.com".

BTW, you shouldn't have to remove an earlier version of
..NET Framework to install a later version (some software still
needs earlier versions). If you do need to remove an earlier
version to install a later version, something is boloxed in your
system. The guys in the dot.framework NGs should be able to
help you get it sorted out.



On Tue, 29 Jan 2008 06:08:33 -0800 (PST), Clamorous
<Joseph.Sander@goodrich.com> wrote:

>Last year I went through the process of removing .NET Framework 1.0

>Any insights to help me through this?
>Thank you.

I just downloaded .NET Framework 2 from Microsoft, just because .NET 2
is needed to run another application (why an application would require
..NET is beyond me?). Now I'm concerned about installing .NET!

Timothy Daniels

"Phisherman" wrote:
> Clamorous <Joseph.Sander@goodrich.com> wrote:
>>Last year I went through the process of removing
>> .NET Framework 1.0

> <snip>
>>Any insights to help me through this?
>>Thank you.

> I just downloaded .NET Framework 2 from Microsoft,
> just because .NET 2 is needed to run another application
> (why an application would require .NET is beyond me?).
> Now I'm concerned about installing .NET!

An increasing number of apps are written using .NET
Framework as the runtime virtual machine - similar to the
Java Virtual Machine. Just as you can't run Java without
a runtime VM, you can't run apps written in C#, J#, F#,
C++.NET, Fortran.NET, COBOL.NET, etc. without
a .NET Framework.



While I feel for you with this problem I'm glad to say you are not the only
one with it. I've had exactly the same problem -- including being on MCE
2005, all updates (with the exception of Framework 3.0 and 3.5). I've got
enough "logs" to start my own dedicated forest. None of the "solutions"
work. I've uninstalled everything back to to framework 1.0. I've used
"verify" tools from Stebner's blog but they stop working if you've installed
2.0 SP -- it can't find Framework 2.0 after the SP installation. Last summer
when I had problem with 2.0 if memory serves I went back to a system restore
and reinstalled as if this were a new system. That seemed to solve the
problem at that time, but after patch Tuesday in December something went
haywire with some portions of my system and I'm back to Framework appearing
to be the culprit.

I'm going to dig deeper into to some of the suggestions in this thread to
see if they can solve my problem, but I'm going to be pessimistic and say
that they won't work. I will NOT work with Mujibar in the remote corners of
India, Pakistan or wherever he resides today, as all you get is playbook "try
this" information and no solutions are forthcoming.

I'll continue to monitor this forum to see of anything of value comes along
-- but I'd really like Microsoft to look into this problem as you and I are
not alone. I keep sending the error reports when installation bombs but to
no avail.

"Clamorous" wrote:

> Last year I went through the process of removing .NET Framework 1.0
> and 1.1 in order to get 2.0 installed correctly. Last Saturday (the
> 26th of January) I noticed that the updates for 2.0 and 3.0 failed. I
> searched this group, other groups, and GOOGLE searches to find
> solutions, and was amazed at how many others are having similar
> problems.
> I'm trying to install the upgrades (security patches, etc.) on a
> Windows XP Media Center 2005 OS with all patches up to date.
> I didn't need the Stebner software that PA Bear had mentioned in other
> posts. I was able to uninstall .NET 2.0 and 3.0 from the Add/Remove
> app. I did run the CleanUp Tool to make sure that a reference to these
> were not present. I uninstalled 3.0 prior to 2.0 in the event that
> this made a difference.
> I installed .NET 2.0 and received a notice that it was intalled
> successfully. I then installed .NET 2.0 SP1 and received a successful
> installation notice.
> I then went to install .NET .30 but it apologized that it encountered
> an error and could not continue. I opened the error log from the
> provided link. Contents of that file is:
> =====
> [01/28/08,19:21:34] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0: [2] Error:
> Installation failed for component Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0. MSI
> returned error code 1603
> [01/28/08,19:21:49] WapUI: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft .NET
> Framework 2.0 is not installed.
> [01/28/08,20:04:02] Windows Communication Foundation: [2] Error:
> Installation failed for component Windows Communication Foundation.
> MSI returned error code 1603
> [01/28/08,20:04:09] WapUI: [2] DepCheck indicates Windows
> Communication Foundation is not installed.
> =====
> If I read correctly, the .NET 3.0 installation said that the .NET 2.0
> installation failed? The last line says that "Windows Communication
> Foundation is not installed" so I GOOGLED this since I had no idea
> what this product was, and GOOGLE brought me to the Microsoft site for
> downloading .NET 3.5. I'm guessing that what this statement is saying
> is that I don't have a successful installation of a .NET Framework in
> which to install the 3.0 version.
> How can I get a successful installation message from the two .NET 2.0
> installations, but the 3.0 installation says it's not installed?
> This time I did not uninstall .NET 1.0 and 1.1, do I really have to
> uninstall them too. I think I did a reboot between the .NET 2.0
> and .NET 3.0 installation, but not certain, is this mandatory,
> although the installation didn't require it? I did perform a reboot
> between the uninstalls and the first .NET 2.0 installation.
> Any insights to help me through this?
> Thank you.
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