Does MircoSoft intend to rewrite the driver of "SATA AHCI controller"? (Mircosoft 有没有打算重新重写" SATA AHCI 控制器 " 的驱动程序?)



Does MircoSoft intend to rewrite the driver of "SATA AHCI controller"?Hi:我认为Microsoft 是时候该对这个问题引起重视I think it's time for Microsoft to pay attention to this issue.很多人抱怨win10系统占用率100%,实际上我在个人PC上写这个讨论的时候,我的桌面已经未响应3次,是的,连桌面图标都没有的那种情况,反反复复Many people complain that the win10 system has a 100% occupancy rate. In fact, when I write this discussion on my personal PC, my desktop has not responded three times. emm, the situation where there are no desktop icons is repeated.然而我此前在microsoft community已经反馈过这个糟糕的问题However, I have fed back this terrible problem in Microsoft community before.Win10在游玩游戏时画面卡顿严重,声

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