RAM usage limited to 3.5 Go when 7.88 is usable


Joannes Murigneux

Hi,I have this issue: when I'm looking in my task manager and my system info I see that I have 8 Go of RAM and 7.88Go usable but when I'm looking in the processus tab and do the maths I find that the system only use 3.5Go. I have for exemple 860 Mo used in memory when I display as values and when I display as percentages it's 28% and I find that 0.860/3.5=28% so 3.5 Go is the value used. (I put all the related images after the explainations)It's causing me issues because I have firefox or others softwares that crash when I reach 80% of RAM usage, it's very limiting my usage of the computer.Thi

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