DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION only while streaming video


ADw sfgds

I've been encountering a very strange bug the last few months. I consistently get a watchdog violation when I watch content on Twitch.tv, ESPN, or youtube. It is browser independent and I have tried everything to resolve it including checking ram health, uninstalling and reinstalling all drivers.It is consistently an intelppm.sys error:On Wed 8/3/2022 1:42:39 AM your computer crashed or a problem was reportedcrash dump file: C:\WINDOWS\Minidump\080322-15468-01.dmpThis was probably caused by the following module: intelppm.sys (intelppm+0x138f) Bugcheck code: 0x133 (0x1, 0x1E00, 0xFFFFF804672FB3

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