error loading explorer.exe ....must reinstall etc.


bone4head been having this problem for a while and have gotten as far as changing
explorer.exe to winfile.exe so i can reinstall explorer .....problem is when
i get to doublle clicking on the setup.exe in the file manager it tells me
there is not enuf memory to run the application and i need to quit one or
more opperations and then try again do i clear memory from this
point so i can run the setup.exe for explorer ??


"bone4head" <> wrote in message
> been having this problem for a while and have gotten as far as

> explorer.exe to winfile.exe so i can reinstall explorer .....problem is

> i get to doublle clicking on the setup.exe in the file manager it tells me
> there is not enuf memory to run the application and i need to quit one or
> more opperations and then try again do i clear memory from

> point so i can run the setup.exe for explorer ??
> thanx
> bh

Windows explorer dos not have a setup file


i'm a little confused philo ....i've been reading all these posts and i was
following some instructions that have helped other people and if it does not
have a set up file than what is the file in the file manager that says
setup.exe when you follow this path ..........change
shell=explorer.exe to winfile.exe
restart computer .......restarts in file manager
open progra-1
open intern-1
open setup
and in the file manager window is the setup.exe .????

"philo" wrote:

> "bone4head" <> wrote in message
> > been having this problem for a while and have gotten as far as

> changing
> > explorer.exe to winfile.exe so i can reinstall explorer .....problem is

> when
> > i get to doublle clicking on the setup.exe in the file manager it tells me
> > there is not enuf memory to run the application and i need to quit one or
> > more opperations and then try again do i clear memory from

> this
> > point so i can run the setup.exe for explorer ??
> > thanx
> > bh

> Windows explorer dos not have a setup file


"bone4head" <> wrote in message
> i'm a little confused philo ....i've been reading all these posts and i

> following some instructions that have helped other people and if it does

> have a set up file than what is the file in the file manager that says
> setup.exe when you follow this path ..........change
> shell=explorer.exe to winfile.exe
> restart computer .......restarts in file manager
> open progra-1
> open intern-1
> open setup
> and in the file manager window is the setup.exe .????
> thanx
> bh


No windows explorer's file name is explorer.exe

Don Phillipson

"bone4head" <> wrote in message

> i'm a little confused philo ....i've been reading all these posts and i
> was
> following some instructions that have helped other people and if it does
> not
> have a set up file than what is the file in the file manager that says
> setup.exe when you follow this path ..........change
> shell=explorer.exe to winfile.exe
> restart computer .......restarts in file manager
> open progra-1
> open intern-1
> open setup
> and in the file manager window is the setup.exe .????

File EXPLORE.EXE = My Computer is integral to Windows,
thus is installed by the SETUP.EXE on your Windows CD.
(Just about all major apps come with their own SETUP.EXE.
This one is different because it sets up the whole Operating
System, not an app within the OS.)

Don Phillipson
Carlsbad Springs
(Ottawa, Canada)


i believe that if you have upgraded to ie 6or 7....not sure .....than your
origional is stored here and can be replaced from what i am doing but all i
need to know is how to free up some memory from where i am now in the file

"philo" wrote:

> "bone4head" <> wrote in message
> > i'm a little confused philo ....i've been reading all these posts and i

> was
> > following some instructions that have helped other people and if it does

> not
> > have a set up file than what is the file in the file manager that says
> > setup.exe when you follow this path ..........change
> > shell=explorer.exe to winfile.exe
> > restart computer .......restarts in file manager
> > open progra-1
> > open intern-1
> > open setup
> > and in the file manager window is the setup.exe .????
> > thanx
> > bh
> >

> x
> No windows explorer's file name is explorer.exe


"bone4head" <> wrote in message
> i believe that if you have upgraded to ie 6or 7....not sure .....than your
> origional is stored here and can be replaced from what i am doing but all

> need to know is how to free up some memory from where i am now in the file
> manager
> thanx
> bh
> "philo" wrote:

Note IE6 is not Windows is Internet Explorer...

what you need to do first is change your shell back to explorer.exe and do
not use winfile.exe

Now go into control panel
and under add/ remove programs you should see your borwser listed.
It's probably IE6 as IE7 cannot be installed on win98
You will have an option to uninstall it...
take that option...but when you go to uninstall will be asked if
you want to uninstall
or repair.
Choose the repair option


i'm trying to do what is posted in this forum ....a thread entitled

"Don Phillipson" wrote:

> "bone4head" <> wrote in message
> > i'm a little confused philo ....i've been reading all these posts and i
> > was
> > following some instructions that have helped other people and if it does
> > not
> > have a set up file than what is the file in the file manager that says
> > setup.exe when you follow this path ..........change
> > shell=explorer.exe to winfile.exe
> > restart computer .......restarts in file manager
> > open progra-1
> > open intern-1
> > open setup
> > and in the file manager window is the setup.exe .????

> File EXPLORE.EXE = My Computer is integral to Windows,
> thus is installed by the SETUP.EXE on your Windows CD.
> (Just about all major apps come with their own SETUP.EXE.
> This one is different because it sets up the whole Operating
> System, not an app within the OS.)
> --
> Don Phillipson
> Carlsbad Springs
> (Ottawa, Canada)

Ben Myers

"bone4head" <> wrote in message
> been having this problem for a while and have gotten as far as changing
> explorer.exe to winfile.exe so i can reinstall explorer .....problem is when
> i get to doublle clicking on the setup.exe in the file manager it tells me
> there is not enuf memory to run the application and i need to quit one or
> more opperations and then try again do i clear memory from this
> point so i can run the setup.exe for explorer ??
> thanx
> bh

If you are using Internet Explorer 6, start File Manager, click "File", "Run",
then type or paste "RUNDLL32 SETUPWBV,IE6Maintenance" into the
"Run" box. Then select "Repair Internet Explorer" and click "OK". Please
note that the command line is case-sensitive.



bone4head wrote:
| been having this problem for a while and have gotten as far as
| changing explorer.exe to winfile.exe so i can reinstall explorer
| .....problem is when i get to doublle clicking on the setup.exe in
| the file manager it tells me there is not enuf memory to run the
| application and i need to quit one or more opperations and then try
| again do i clear memory from this point so i can run the
| setup.exe for explorer ?? thanx

It sounds like you are doing everything right. Here is one unlikely
Various Error Messages Displayed and Slow Windows Performance When
Virtual Memory Is Enabled

This behavior can occur if the Win386.swp file located in the Windows
folder has its file attributes set to read only. Windows uses the
Win386.swp file to create virtual memory.


To resolve this issue:
1. Click Start, point to Find, and then click Files or Folders.
2. In the Named box, type win386.swp.
3. In the Look in box, click Drive C, and then click Find Now.
4. Right-click the Win386.swp file, click Properties,
and then click to clear the Read-only check box.
5. Click Apply, and then click Close.

Other than that, there is the issue of too much RAM. Do you have 1 GB or
more of memory installed...?...
Error Message: Insufficient Memory to Initialize Windows
(184447) - If your computer has 1 gigabyte (GB) or more of random-access
memory (RAM) installed, Windows may not start. Also, when you try to
start your computer, you may receive the following error message:
Insufficient memory to initialize Windows. Quit one or...
"Out of Memory" Error Messages with Large Amounts of RAM Installed
(253912) - If a computer that is running any of the versions of Windows
that are listed above contains more than 512 megabytes (for example, 768
megabytes) of physical memory (RAM), you may experience one or more of
the following symptoms:
Computer May Reboot Continuously with More Than 1.5 GB of RAM
(304943) - If your computer has more than 1.5 gigabytes (GB) of memory
(RAM), the computer may reboot continuously when you try to start
Windows Millennium Edition (Me) or Windows 98. Or, when you try to
install Windows Me or Windows 98 with more than 1.5 GB of...

| bh

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


On Feb 6, 2:23 pm, bone4head <>
> i'm a little confused philo ....i've been reading all these posts and i was
> following some instructions that have helped other people and if it does not
> have a set up file than what is the file in the file manager that says
> setup.exe when you follow this path ..........change
> shell=explorer.exe to winfile.exe
> restart computer .......restarts in file manager
> open progra-1
> open intern-1
> open setup
> and in the file manager window is the setup.exe .????
>  thanx
> bh
> "philo" wrote:
> > "bone4head" <> wrote in message
> >
> > > been having this problem for a while and have gotten as far as

> > changing
> > > explorer.exe  to winfile.exe so i can reinstall explorer .....problem is

> > when
> > > i get to doublle clicking on the setup.exe in the file manager it tells me
> > > there is not enuf memory to run the application and i need to quit one or
> > > more opperations and then try again do i clear memory from

> > this
> > > point so i can run the setup.exe for explorer ??
> > >  thanx
> > >     bh

> > Windows explorer dos not have a setup file- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

bone4head, bottom posting makes more sense out of the resulting
message. It appears that you are misinformed by a winfile error
message as to the real problem. In order to use 32 bit processes like
ie6setup.exe OR even explorer.exe one must first have had loaded
shlwapi.dll file by Windows. And you don't have good copy of that
file, so none of this will work out for you. Sorry about that, you
are kinda squared screwed or screwed raised to a higher power if you

What you get instead is a false error stating that you need more
memory to run ie6setup.exe which is NOT the case at all, and there IS
no fix for this, so you need to give up this approach totally and
RIGHT NOW. Winfile is a 16 bit process and it can not launch 32 bit
processes without shlwapi.dll. The error routines inside Winfile were
just not written for this situation. Then you come along top posting
and naming things wrongly and reading posts that have NEVER had a
successful completion via the winfile aspect of it.

The only way out of the "no shlwapi.dll" dilemma is to get a copy from
somewhere else to use temporarily and then run the latest IE
cumulative update which will restore the proper version of the needed
shlwapi.dll file. And you don't need winfile to do this, once you
have any working shlwapi.dll file in place. Winfile and/or
progman.exe is just confusing the issue here and is a totally
inappropriate solution often suggested to be fix when it is NOT.

The real kick in the teeth here is that you've probably got a good
copy of shlwapi.dll file already in your Windows\System folder but it
just has the wrong name. It is probably named SET3071.TMP or
something similar just with a different number section, so you could
find it by booting to DOS and doing

dir c:\windows\system\set????.tmp

and noting the exact name of the resultant file name that starts with
"set" and ends with "tmp". And then do a DOS rename of that file to
shlwapi.dll like so.

ren c:\windows\system\setxxxx.tmp shlwapi.dll

where you fill in the x with the above noted name found by using the
DIR command.

The above to be done only provided that there is but only one
SETxxxx.TMP file found using the DIR command and it's size is
appropriate to actually be shlwapi.dll for your version of IE which we
can not know since you haven't posted that info - yet. What size is
your ie6setup.exe file?

Just another bothersome FYI, the ie6setup.exe that is in your C:
\program files\internet explorer\ folder can't reinstall IE or even
just the file shlwapi.dll all by itself. It will also need some 85
megs of suporting CAB files that will have to be downloaded if you
don't have a local copy of them saved at IE installation time or can't
find them on a CD for example.

If you have another computer available download this:

and use WinZip on it to extract the shlwapi.dll file and place it on a
floppy to then boot the target machine into DOS mode and copy the file
to that machine's Windows\System folder to fix the problem that way.

For future reference, set up, setup, and ie6setup.exe are not the same
thing at all - EVER. The path you are asking philo about is leading
exactly to C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\ie6setup.exe via DOS
short filenames except that ie6setup.exe is always the full name to
use - so start using it that way.


bone4head wrote:
| i believe that if you have upgraded to ie 6or 7....not sure .....than
| your origional is stored here and can be replaced from what i am
| doing but all i need to know is how to free up some memory from where
| i am now in the file manager

You are right. There is indeed a Setup.exe in C:\Program Files\Internet
Explorer\Setup. Here is the whole folder...

C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\Setup>dir /a /on
Directory of C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\Setup

IE4 DLL 121,344 08-29-02 12:00a IE4.DLL
IEBASE INF 17,032 08-29-02 12:00a IEBASE.INF
IEBATCH EXE 6,656 08-29-02 12:00a IEBATCH.EXE
MSSETUP DLL 264,704 10-20-00 12:00a MSSETUP.DLL
REGBIN INF 8,819 08-29-02 12:00a REGBIN.INF
SETUP EXE 353,280 10-20-00 12:00a SETUP.EXE
SETUP INI 149 08-29-02 12:00a SETUP.INI
SETUP TDF 84 08-29-02 12:00a SETUP.TDF
SETUP STF 203,164 09-26-02 11:45p SETUP.STF
9 file(s) 975,232 bytes

And I think you are right about how it got there & what it does. Anyway,
I did upgrade to IE6 from IE5 & did choose to have the ability to
uninstall it (I think). And that is the purpose of Setup.exe in that
particular folder in the instructions I think you are following. (It's
possible it may also offer the choices of repair & over-install too, but
uninstall is the one for this.)

(a) Do you have all those other files in there?
(b) Do the issues I raised in my other post seem to apply?

Since this method is not working (& if there seems no way to fix it),
maybe go on & try an over-install of IE6 as philo suggests, or, if you
cannot boot to Windows, try...
Error Message: Explorer Caused an Invalid Page Fault in Module
Browseui.dll (This one is an over-install of your current IE.)

(1) Hold CTRL as you boot for the Startup Menu. Select to
boot to the "Command Prompt Only" (DOS). Or, boot a
Startup Diskette, & REMOVE the diskette, before step 2d.

(2) At DOS...

(a) Enter "EDIT C:\Windows\System.ini"
(b) In the [Boot] section, change "Shell=Explorer.exe" to
(c) Alt-F-X-ENTER (pressed separately) to exit Edit. (TAB to get to
buttons. ENTER to accept a button.)
(d) Ctrl-Alt-Del to Windows running Progman.

(3) In Progman, over-install IE, which basically is E. (I only hope it
doesn't ask for an internet connection. Perhaps, select "Custom" & only
check the items that have a bold checkbox, to avoid it will want the
internet. OTOH, it might be better to let it connect, if your DUN

If you are IE6, "ie6setup.exe" will be in... C:\Windows\Window~1
(C:\Windows\Windows Update Setup Files)
(You may also use the copy in... C:\Progra~1\Intern~1
C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer)

(a) In Progman, "File menu, Run, Browse button".
Folders pane will be open at "C:\Windows" with sub-folders below
it. Otherwise, make it so.
(b) Scroll down the Folders pane & D-Clk "window~1".
Now the left (File Name) pane should show "ie6setup.exe"
(c) D-CLK "IE6Setup.exe" to run it.
(d) Skip to step (4).

If you are IE5, "ie5setup.exe" will be in... C:\Window~1
(C:\Windows Update Setup Files)
(You may also use the copy in... C:\Progra~1\Intern~1
C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer)
I do not suppose you should run "ie5setup.exe", if you have installed
IE6. This one would be only for those who never did install IE6.

(a) File menu, Run, Browse button.
Folders pane will be open at "C:\Windows" with sub-folders below
(b) D-Clk "C:\" in the Folders pane to go up one level.
(c) Scroll down the Folders pane & D-Clk "Window~1".
(d) "ie5setup.exe" now appears in the left (File Name) pane.
(e) D-CLK "IE5Setup.exe" to run it.

(4) Reboot back to DOS. Then...

(a) Enter "EDIT C:\Windows\System.ini"
(b) In the [Boot] section, change back to "Shell=Explorer.exe"
(c) Alt-F-X-ENTER to EXIT. (TAB to get to buttons. ENTER to accept a
(d) Ctrl-Alt-Del to Windows.

But, if that fails to work too, then we must begin to consider the
things Lee is saying. Maybe, check whether that Shlwapi.dll exists this
way & report back...

C:\>DIR /a /s C:\Shlwapi.dll
Directory of C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM
SHLWAPI DLL 409,088 08-31-05 6:49p SHLWAPI.DLL
1 file(s) 409,088 bytes

That is what mine looks like on a fully updated IE6 SP1.

| thanx
| bh
| "philo" wrote:
|> "bone4head" <> wrote in message
|> > i'm a little confused philo ....i've been reading all these posts
|> > and i was following some instructions that have helped other
|> > people and if it does not have a set up file than what is the file
|> > in the file manager that says setup.exe when you follow this path
|> > ..........change
|> > shell=explorer.exe to winfile.exe
|> > restart computer .......restarts in file manager
|> > open progra-1
|> > open intern-1
|> > open setup
|> > and in the file manager window is the setup.exe .????
|> > thanx
|> > bh
|> >
|> x
|> No windows explorer's file name is explorer.exe

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


philo wrote:
| "bone4head" <> wrote in message
|> i believe that if you have upgraded to ie 6or 7....not sure
|> .....than your origional is stored here and can be replaced from
|> what i am doing but all i need to know is how to free up some memory
|> from where i am now in the file manager
|> thanx
|> bh
|> "philo" wrote:
| Note IE6 is not Windows is Internet Explorer...
| what you need to do first is change your shell back to explorer.exe
| and do not use winfile.exe
| Now go into control panel
| and under add/ remove programs you should see your borwser listed.
| It's probably IE6 as IE7 cannot be installed on win98
| You will have an option to uninstall it...
| take that option...but when you go to uninstall will be
| asked if you want to uninstall
| or repair.
| Choose the repair option

You may be right to try that. HOWEVER, there is indeed a Setup.exe just
where bone4head has said...!...

C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\Setup>dir /a /on
Directory of C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\Setup

IE4 DLL 121,344 08-29-02 12:00a IE4.DLL
IEBASE INF 17,032 08-29-02 12:00a IEBASE.INF
IEBATCH EXE 6,656 08-29-02 12:00a IEBATCH.EXE
MSSETUP DLL 264,704 10-20-00 12:00a MSSETUP.DLL
REGBIN INF 8,819 08-29-02 12:00a REGBIN.INF
SETUP EXE 353,280 10-20-00 12:00a SETUP.EXE
SETUP INI 149 08-29-02 12:00a SETUP.INI
SETUP TDF 84 08-29-02 12:00a SETUP.TDF
SETUP STF 203,164 09-26-02 11:45p SETUP.STF
9 file(s) 975,232 bytes

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


Lee wrote:
| On Feb 6, 2:23 pm, bone4head <>
| wrote:
|> i'm a little confused philo ....i've been reading all these posts
|> and i was following some instructions that have helped other people
|> and if it does not have a set up file than what is the file in the
|> file manager that says setup.exe when you follow this path
|> ..........change
|> shell=explorer.exe to winfile.exe
|> restart computer .......restarts in file manager
|> open progra-1
|> open intern-1
|> open setup
|> and in the file manager window is the setup.exe .????
|> thanx
|> bh
|> "philo" wrote:
|> > "bone4head" <> wrote in message
|> >
|> > > been having this problem for a while and have gotten as far
|> > > as changing explorer.exe to winfile.exe so i can reinstall
|> > > explorer .....problem is when i get to doublle clicking on the
|> > > setup.exe in the file manager it tells me there is not enuf
|> > > memory to run the application and i need to quit one or more
|> > > opperations and then try again do i clear memory
|> > > from this point so i can run the setup.exe for explorer ??
|> > > thanx
|> > > bh
|> > Windows explorer dos not have a setup file- Hide quoted text -
|> - Show quoted text -
| bone4head, bottom posting makes more sense out of the resulting
| message. It appears that you are misinformed by a winfile error
| message as to the real problem. In order to use 32 bit processes like
| ie6setup.exe OR even explorer.exe one must first have had loaded
| shlwapi.dll file by Windows. And you don't have good copy of that
| file, so none of this will work out for you. Sorry about that, you
| are kinda squared screwed or screwed raised to a higher power if you
| will.
| What you get instead is a false error stating that you need more
| memory to run ie6setup.exe which is NOT the case at all, and there IS
| no fix for this, so you need to give up this approach totally and
| RIGHT NOW. Winfile is a 16 bit process and it can not launch 32 bit
| processes without shlwapi.dll. The error routines inside Winfile were
| just not written for this situation. Then you come along top posting
| and naming things wrongly and reading posts that have NEVER had a
| successful completion via the winfile aspect of it.
| The only way out of the "no shlwapi.dll" dilemma is to get a copy from
| somewhere else to use temporarily and then run the latest IE
| cumulative update which will restore the proper version of the needed
| shlwapi.dll file. And you don't need winfile to do this, once you
| have any working shlwapi.dll file in place. Winfile and/or
| progman.exe is just confusing the issue here and is a totally
| inappropriate solution often suggested to be fix when it is NOT.
| The real kick in the teeth here is that you've probably got a good
| copy of shlwapi.dll file already in your Windows\System folder but it
| just has the wrong name. It is probably named SET3071.TMP or
| something similar just with a different number section, so you could
| find it by booting to DOS and doing
| dir c:\windows\system\set????.tmp
| and noting the exact name of the resultant file name that starts with
| "set" and ends with "tmp". And then do a DOS rename of that file to
| shlwapi.dll like so.
| ren c:\windows\system\setxxxx.tmp shlwapi.dll
| where you fill in the x with the above noted name found by using the
| DIR command.
| The above to be done only provided that there is but only one
| SETxxxx.TMP file found using the DIR command and it's size is
| appropriate to actually be shlwapi.dll for your version of IE which we
| can not know since you haven't posted that info - yet. What size is
| your ie6setup.exe file?
| Just another bothersome FYI, the ie6setup.exe that is in your C:
| \program files\internet explorer\ folder can't reinstall IE or even
| just the file shlwapi.dll all by itself. It will also need some 85
| megs of suporting CAB files that will have to be downloaded if you
| don't have a local copy of them saved at IE installation time or can't
| find them on a CD for example.
| If you have another computer available download this:
| and use WinZip on it to extract the shlwapi.dll file and place it on a
| floppy to then boot the target machine into DOS mode and copy the file
| to that machine's Windows\System folder to fix the problem that way.

I would first check to see whether Shlwapi.dll exists...

C:\>DIR /a /s C:\Shlwapi.dll
Directory of C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM
SHLWAPI DLL 409,088 08-31-05 6:49p SHLWAPI.DLL
1 file(s) 409,088 bytes

That is what a fully updated one looks like for IE6 SP1. If not, it
could be wisest to get it as you say. Otherwise...

(a) There is a much smaller one in the Win98SE WIN98_41.CAB...

Cabinet WIN98_41.CAB
04-23-1999 10:22:00p A--- 282,896 shlwapi.dll

(b) IE 5.5 has one of 301,328 bytes dated 7/23/01 in which
itself is in This is in the folder: C:\Windows Update Setup

(c) IE6 SP1 has one of 395,264 bytes dated 8/29/02 in which
itself is in This is in the folder: C:\WINDOWS\Windows Update
Setup Files.

| For future reference, set up, setup, and ie6setup.exe are not the same
| thing at all - EVER. The path you are asking philo about is leading
| exactly to C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\ie6setup.exe via DOS
| short filenames except that ie6setup.exe is always the full name to
| use - so start using it that way.

There IS a Setup.exe just where bone4head has said, as you can see in my
posts to him & philo...!...

C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\Setup>dir /a /on
Directory of C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\Setup

IE4 DLL 121,344 08-29-02 12:00a IE4.DLL
IEBASE INF 17,032 08-29-02 12:00a IEBASE.INF
IEBATCH EXE 6,656 08-29-02 12:00a IEBATCH.EXE
MSSETUP DLL 264,704 10-20-00 12:00a MSSETUP.DLL
REGBIN INF 8,819 08-29-02 12:00a REGBIN.INF
SETUP EXE 353,280 10-20-00 12:00a SETUP.EXE
SETUP INI 149 08-29-02 12:00a SETUP.INI
SETUP TDF 84 08-29-02 12:00a SETUP.TDF
SETUP STF 203,164 09-26-02 11:45p SETUP.STF
9 file(s) 975,232 bytes

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


On Feb 9, 6:40 pm, "PCR" <> wrote:
> There IS a Setup.exe just where bone4head has said, as you can see in my
> posts to him & philo...!...
> C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\Setup>dir /a /on
> Directory of C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\Setup
> IE4          DLL   121,344  08-29-02 12:00a IE4.DLL
> IEBASE     INF     17,032  08-29-02 12:00a IEBASE.INF
> IEBATCH  EXE      6,656  08-29-02 12:00a IEBATCH.EXE
> MSSETUP DLL   264,704  10-20-00 12:00a MSSETUP.DLL
> REGBIN    INF       8,819  08-29-02 12:00a REGBIN.INF
> SETUP     EXE   353,280  10-20-00 12:00a SETUP.EXE
> SETUP     INI           149  08-29-02 12:00a SETUP.INI
> SETUP     TDF           84  08-29-02 12:00a SETUP.TDF
> SETUP     STF   203,164  09-26-02 11:45p SETUP.STF
>          9 file(s)        975,232 bytes
> --
> Thanks or Good Luck,
> There may be humor in this post, and,
> Naturally, you will not sue,
> Should things get worse after this,

Yep, but that is still no excuse for trying to run it. What it does
is to restore a previous version of IE if and this is a really big IF
around here at least - IF all the uninstall files are still there and
in proper order for that process to proceed. Does this restore our
missing shlwapi.dll file? I'm not even sure, because when I tried it,
it wouldn't run. So then I tried ie6setup.exe and that one failed to
run also and also because of "unknown" module problems. But I did get
the 916281 IE cumulative update to run to completion which fully
replaced the 5.00.2614.3500 version shlwapi.dll with version
6.00.2800.1740 (xpsp2.050831-1533) shlwapi.dll file which is the
higest available for IE 6.00 SP1 running on win98. The 5.00.2614.3500
version shlwapi.dll is from WIN98_41.CAB and was not sufficent to
allow even Windows Explorer to open or run, nor ie6setup.exe nor the
contested C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\SETUP\setup.exe. I was
limited to running winfile to run the 916281 update only while
operating Windows with the original 4/23/99 dated Win98se shlwapi.dll

Any decent instructions for reinstalling IE should point to either
ie5setup.exe or ie6setup.exe in the C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer
folder, which is NOT exactly mission impossible, with no quarter given
for even a newbie OP. So I cant' be held accountable for crap
instructions (that don't even work when tried) posted on the web
unless they are MY crap instructions. And my crappy advice is to
extract a version of shlwapi.dll and place it in the windows\system
folder in boot to DOS mode so that you can then use the winfile method
to run the 916281 update to restore the proper "missing" shlwapi.dll
file. Anything less is NOT a fixed situation.

extract /a /l c:\windows\system c:\windows\options\cabs\

edit c:\windows\system.ini

shell=explorer.exe ****change to winfile.exe

Alt+F then ave
Alt+F then e[X]it the edit program

Type in:
Win boots "windows", in this case, being run by winfile

then find and double click on the 916281 update

this isn't all that hard if it weren't for the bad advice that DON'T
work because the posters are NOT testing it out at their end BEFORE
posting what they think might work.

32 bit processes can not be run without a windows loaded shlwapi.dll
file. And as I found out the hard way, very early versions of that
file don't work all that good. Other locations are IE_S3.CAB of your
IE installation cab files - extract IE_3.CAB from that one and then
inside IE_3.CAB you will find a fairly high version of shlwapi.dll
file to use until you get the 916281 update to run to completion which
will solve the problem entirely and properly.

extract /l c:\windows\temp [path]IE_S3.CAB IE_3.CAB
extract /l c:\windows\system c:\windows\temp\IE_3.CAB shlwapi.dll

where [path] is the drive and path to where your IE installation cab
files are stored.

My favorite method still involves perusing the Windows\Wininit.bak
file to learn the temp name of the gone missing shlwapi.dll file and
then doing a simple DOS mode rename IF the file is there to start
with. Explaining this method properly to the noob such that he can
pull it off is then the trouble here as it is just a tad bit
confusing. But really no more than the other methods taken on whole.


Lee wrote:
| On Feb 9, 6:40 pm, "PCR" <> wrote:
| <snip>
|> There IS a Setup.exe just where bone4head has said, as you can see
|> in my posts to him & philo...!...
|> C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\Setup>dir /a /on
|> Directory of C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\Setup
|> IE4 DLL 121,344 08-29-02 12:00a IE4.DLL
|> IEBASE INF 17,032 08-29-02 12:00a IEBASE.INF
|> IEBATCH EXE 6,656 08-29-02 12:00a IEBATCH.EXE
|> MSSETUP DLL 264,704 10-20-00 12:00a MSSETUP.DLL
|> REGBIN INF 8,819 08-29-02 12:00a REGBIN.INF
|> SETUP EXE 353,280 10-20-00 12:00a SETUP.EXE
|> SETUP INI 149 08-29-02 12:00a SETUP.INI
|> SETUP TDF 84 08-29-02 12:00a SETUP.TDF
|> SETUP STF 203,164 09-26-02 11:45p SETUP.STF
|> 9 file(s) 975,232 bytes

| Yep, but that is still no excuse for trying to run it. What it does
| is to restore a previous version of IE if and this is a really big IF
| around here at least - IF all the uninstall files are still there and
| in proper order for that process to proceed.

Well, those instructions to run Setup.exe in that folder are mentioned
on a Gateway WEB site, where it is meant to tempoarily revert to an
earlier version of IE. Setup.exe is also mentioned in an MS article,
where it seems to be meant to do a repair by adding parameters to it...
Blank Desktop or Illegal Operations Error Message After You Install
Internet Explorer
6. Click Run on the File menu in File Manager, and then type the
following command:
rundll32 setupwbv.dll,IE5Maintenance "C:\Program Files\Internet
Explorer\Setup\SETUP.EXE" /g "C:\WINDOWS\IE Uninstall Log.Txt"

This command runs Internet Explorer Repair (if available) and is case
sensitive. If you are prompted to restart Windows to complete the repair
process, click No, and then continue with the next step. If you are
prompted to run Setup again to reinstall all components, click Details
to note the problem, click OK twice, and then continue with step 9.

I personally hesitate to click that file myself in Explorer just to see
for sure what it may do-- whether it will offer choices or just go ahead
& wreck me.

| Does this restore our
| missing shlwapi.dll file? I'm not even sure, because when I tried it,
| it wouldn't run.

You are at least a tad more courageous than me! Even now knowing it may
not even run, still I hesitate to click mine! After all, I have no
problem for it to solve. It does sound like it has the potential to
replace Shlwapi.dll, if it will run.

OK -- fine! -- I just clicked it in a Find box. It put up a big, green
"Internet Explorer 6 & Internet Tools" screen. It did a little
"preparation" & then put up a a requestor asking whether to "restore
the previous Internet Explorer and shared components". I clicked to
abort, & it said no files were changed. No other option was offered.

SO... mine works!

| So then I tried ie6setup.exe and that one failed to
| run also and also because of "unknown" module problems.

This did NOT crash for me. However, it wanted to establish an Internet
connection to do any work, & I am not set up to allow Explorer to do
that. (NetZero has its own connectoid.) Therefore, nothing was done. I
had to close it down & did not pursue the issue as I actually had no
problem for it to fix.

| But I did get
| the 916281 IE cumulative update to run to completion which fully
| replaced the 5.00.2614.3500 version shlwapi.dll with version
| 6.00.2800.1740 (xpsp2.050831-1533) shlwapi.dll file which is the
| higest available for IE 6.00 SP1 running on win98.

Correct. My version of Shlwapi.dll is the latest one that you say. I
guess running 916281 could be an alternative when other methods fail.
That is good to know. Whether the other methods fail is probably related
to the precise nature of the problem. I don't believe bone4head has yet
confirmed his Shlwapi.dll has actually gone missing. I hesitate to
rename or replace mine just to see what happens with these methods of
repair! Here is how to confirm whether it is missing...

C:\>DIR /a /s C:\Shlwapi.dll
Directory of C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM
SHLWAPI DLL 409,088 08-31-05 6:49p SHLWAPI.DLL
1 file(s) 409,088 bytes

| The 5.00.2614.3500
| version shlwapi.dll is from WIN98_41.CAB and was not sufficent to
| allow even Windows Explorer to open or run, nor ie6setup.exe nor the
| contested C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\SETUP\setup.exe. I was
| limited to running winfile to run the 916281 update only while
| operating Windows with the original 4/23/99 dated Win98se shlwapi.dll
| file.

I hesitate to confirm that with tests of my own-- not that I mean to
call you a dirty, rotten liar!

| Any decent instructions for reinstalling IE should point to either
| ie5setup.exe or ie6setup.exe in the C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer
| folder, which is NOT exactly mission impossible, with no quarter given
| for even a newbie OP. So I cant' be held accountable for crap
| instructions (that don't even work when tried) posted on the web
| unless they are MY crap instructions.

As I said, it was a Gateway site & an MS Article that first posted that
crappy stuff. And I'll continue to post it myself, because they may work
in certain circumstances. They certainly do run for me, but I hesitate
to revert to an original Shlwapi.dll & try them again!

| And my crappy advice is to
| extract a version of shlwapi.dll and place it in the windows\system
| folder in boot to DOS mode so that you can then use the winfile method
| to run the 916281 update to restore the proper "missing" shlwapi.dll
| file. Anything less is NOT a fixed situation.

Bone4head has not confirmed his Shlwapi.dll has gone missing. It may be
that stuff should be working for him. Anyhow, he hasn't tried
IE6Setup.exe yet.

| extract /a /l c:\windows\system c:\windows\options\cabs\
| shlwapi.dll

Very good. (It might be a different base cab in Win98FE, though-- maybe Look for & use the one with the lowest number.) And first, I

REN C:\Windows\System\Shlwapi.dll Shlwapi.dl_ preserve whatever may be there in the first place, in case things
ultimate don't improve.

| edit c:\windows\system.ini
| [boot]
| oemfonts.fon=vgaoem.fon
| shell=explorer.exe ****change to winfile.exe
| Alt+F then ave
| Alt+F then e[X]it the edit program

Very good & precise instructions-- but I would note those keys must be
pressed separately. Also, the TAB key will traverse requestor buttons,
if they should appear. And ENTER accepts the button you are on.

| Type in:
| Win boots "windows", in this case, being run by winfile
| temporarily
| then find and double click on the 916281 update

It is good to know that will work if the others fail. One will have to
have downloaded that update from the Catalog first, though. The one I
have downloaded is actually named...


....and its MSDOS path & name is...


NOTE: That may be different than anyone elses. I've put mine on E:\.
Also, I believe I'm getting a "~3 " in those names because I've also
downloaded stuff for IE5.0 & for IE5.5. Also note there doesn't appear
to be a KB916281 for other than IE6. Finally, lots of my downloads from
there have the MSDOS name, IE60SP~1.exe. You definitely have to find the
one that is in the right folder...!...

COM_MI~3.INT is com_microsoft.internetexplorer6x
COM_MI~3.IE6 is com_microsoft.IE6-0SP1-KB916281-Windows-98-ME-x86-183097

| this isn't all that hard if it weren't for the bad advice that DON'T
| work because the posters are NOT testing it out at their end BEFORE
| posting what they think might work.
| 32 bit processes can not be run without a windows loaded shlwapi.dll
| file. And as I found out the hard way, very early versions of that
| file don't work all that good. Other locations are IE_S3.CAB of your
| IE installation cab files - extract IE_3.CAB from that one and then
| inside IE_3.CAB you will find a fairly high version of shlwapi.dll
| file to use until you get the 916281 update to run to completion which
| will solve the problem entirely and properly.
| extract /l c:\windows\temp [path]IE_S3.CAB IE_3.CAB
| extract /l c:\windows\system c:\windows\temp\IE_3.CAB shlwapi.dll
| where [path] is the drive and path to where your IE installation cab
| files are stored.

Very good! That file is inside a .cab that is inside a .cab!

However, if the IE installed is IE5-- then it is IE_S2.CAB & IE_2.CAB,
as I posted elsewhere. Also, I find the .cab's for IE5 to be in
"C:\Windows Update Setup Files". And the .cab's of IE6 are in
"C:\WINDOWS\Windows Update Setup Files". And those paths would have to
be converted to DOS names...

C:\Windows Update Setup Files

C:\WINDOWS\Windows Update Setup Files

| My favorite method still involves perusing the Windows\Wininit.bak
| file to learn the temp name of the gone missing shlwapi.dll file and
| then doing a simple DOS mode rename IF the file is there to start
| with. Explaining this method properly to the noob such that he can
| pull it off is then the trouble here as it is just a tad bit
| confusing. But really no more than the other methods taken on whole.

This presumes the problem has just occurred & has not developed some
time later when Wininit.bak may be different & the temp file that must
become Shlwapi.dll has not already been deleted.

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,

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Brandon LeBlanc
Brandon LeBlanc
Brandon LeBlanc
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