FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: 0x124_0_GenuineIntel_PROCESSOR__UNKNOWN_IMAGE_GenuineIntel.sys



getting a new bsod ive never experieienced and read everywhere it can be a million different things lol... so i will gladly add a dump file etc WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR (124) A fatal hardware error has occurred. Parameter 1 identifies the type of error source that reported the error. Parameter 2 holds the address of the nt!_WHEA_ERROR_RECORD structure that describes the error condition. Try !errrec Address of the nt!_WHEA_ERROR_RECORD structure to get more details. Arguments: Arg1: 0000000000000000, Machine Check Exception Arg2: ffff9a84434d5028, Address of the nt!_WHEA_ERROR_RECORD stru

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