My friend's freshly assembled PC keeps experiencing a BSOD for random tasks like opening a video link from a web browser.


Spencer Kingry

The error code is a 0x3B: SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTIONBugcheck details: 0x0000003b (0x00000000c0000005, 0xfffff8053b68d18a, 0xffff80886d056e50, 0x0000000000000000)Reliability details:problem Event Name: BlueScreenCode: 3bParameter 1: c0000005Parameter 2: fffff8053b68d18aParameter 3: ffff80886d056e50Parameter 4: 0OS version: 10_0_19045Service Pack: 0_0Product: 768_1OS Version: 10.0.19045. ID: 1033The cause seems to be random, and can be brought upon through mundane tasks that don't tax the hardware such as opening a downloaded video in a common media player. This seems

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