Reduce greediness of Win10 caching (running inside of a VM, where a part of the "vRAM" is in fact transparently offloaded to disk)



Is there a way to reduce the greediness of Win10 caching?This is for a usecase, when Win10 is running inside of a VM (enterprise VM solution at a customer site, where I have no insight on how the offloading of vRAM to SSD/disk is configured, but it is clearly happening, which I notice, when my Win10 RAM utilization gets above 11.5 GB out of the 16 GB vRAM available on the Win10 VM, and things start being really very slow, while Win10 cache is happily eating 4-5 GB out of the 11.5 GB and probably thinking, it is doing a "good thing").It is entirely counter-productive for Windows to be using mul

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