continued dashes when using some keyboard keys (now also when clicking on search boxes with mouse).


Julia Romanów

Hello I -hope -that -I am -writing- -this -in- -the -correct -place.Yesterday everything -was -working- -fine -an-d -today after -b-ooting -up it -was -malfun-ctioning.The -thin-g -is I cleaned the laptop -b-efore booting up -so -Im no-t -sure -if -this -is -related to the -way -I -clean-ed -it or -if this -is -a -ran-dom/ -spon-tan-eous -system -malfunction (maybe -related -to yesterdays -quality updates).At first -when -pressing- -the following- -keys I -would recieve in-correct -output ->c -> cm, m -> cm, h -> +h, n -> -n, y -> [space]y.I -thought -at -first -that -maybe

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