Server not recognized



I have an NT 4.0 computer acting as the domain controller and file server for
a small network (4 computers). Only one domain involved. I am trying to
install this hard drive into a faster computer. When I do, although the OS
boots up and logs on to the domain, the domain cannot fully recognize the
file server. WINS Manager sees the server computer name, so does NT
Diagnostics, but the Server app in Control Panel shows no sessions, Network
Neighborhood shows the domain but no server, and any attempt by other
computers to access shares on the server fails. What can I do to resolve

Forty Pound Head

On Jul 26, 8:32 am, RonC <> wrote:
> I have an NT 4.0 computer acting as the domain controller and file server for
> a small network (4 computers). Only one domain involved. I am trying to
> install this hard drive into a faster computer. When I do, although the OS
> boots up and logs on to the domain, the domain cannot fully recognize the
> file server. WINS Manager sees the server computer name, so does NT
> Diagnostics, but the Server app in Control Panel shows no sessions, Network
> Neighborhood shows the domain but no server, and any attempt by other
> computers to access shares on the server fails. What can I do to resolve
> this?

Hi Ron -

So you've taken the hard drive from the original hardware, installed
it into a new machine.

You might want to check to make sure the NIC driver is functioning.
Sounds like the maybe the new machine might have a different NIC, or
the driver doesn't recognized it.

The reason you can log on to the domain from the server is because it
is a domain controller.



"Forty Pound Head" wrote:

> You might want to check to make sure the NIC driver is functioning.
> Sounds like the maybe the new machine might have a different NIC, or
> the driver doesn't recognized it.

Tried installing the network card and video card from the old computer into
the new one, along with the hard drive. Still same result.
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