How to fix constant BSOD

  • Thread starter Destani Pearson
  • Start date

Destani Pearson

I don’t know a lot about computers and don’t know how to fix them, so I hope I can get some help. I constantly get BSOD on a game. Any other game I play is fine. The BSOD stop codes I get are almost different every time, example:stop code: SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTIONstop code: PFN_LIST_CORRUPTstop code: DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATIONstop code: IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUALI try looking them up every time it happens but I do what’s said and still doesn’t fix it. I’ve googled everything that could possibly be wrong and still nothing. Just wanna fix this so I can go back to playing my game with no problems.

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