PC shutsdown sometimes with errors EventLog 6008 crash with kernel power 41


Pavel Turnhofer

Hi,recently my pc started to shut down from time to time. For example today it shot down twice. In the eventlog, it shows EventLog 6008, after Kernel-Power 41 and Eventlog 1101. Any idea what's happening? I know something is giving me last goodbye but don't know what. Thank you all for your insights Btw I found two crashlogs in C:\Windows\Minidump but don't see how can I post them hereThe eventlog 6008 message:System-Provider[ Name]EventLog-EventID6008[ Qualifiers]32768Version0Level2Task0Opcode0Keywords0x80000000000000-TimeCreated[ SystemTime]2023-11-11T17:43:45.7829790ZEventRecordID443323Corr

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