FIRST, MS had my WORD FILES SAVED IN OneDrive so HACKERS COULS ACCESS THEM. NOW, my CRUCIAL FBI files, NOW all OneDrive files have been erased.


Kris Legend

While I suffer from leukemia, ALL my crucial WORD DOCUMENTS meant to go to FBI and DOJ in my report PROVING criminals are destroying my life, ( EVEN A SHERIFF DISPATCHER has been CAUGHT intercepting my cell phone calls to my oncologist; ) AND my crucial Word files I was composing, to document our state's biggest case of criminal harassment and murder, MS ONE DRIVE SAVED MY FILES instead of them being SAVED on my OWN COMPUTER.... THEN MS allowed thugs to ERASE ALL THE " ONE DRIVE" Word FILES. I NOW must re-type them ALL, on my 7th computer ( 6 others had been destroyed by thugs) .

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