Apps crash after windows update


gilbert varey

Hello. After update of Windows 10 from 21H2 to 22H2, I noticed that some old 32-bit apps do not run any more.Here is an example of the AppCrash generated by explorer.exe when trying to run such program under the new update (it works very fine before update).Dose anybody can help ? Thank youVersion=1EventType=APPCRASHEventTime=133621461196356545ReportType=2Consent=1UploadTime=133621461203387788ReportStatus=268435456ReportIdentifier=9108fc23-1c8c-43fe-89c7-601a46f1371eIntegratorReportIdentifier=a0988186-ae14-417c-8110-2bf75a67d354Wow64Host=34404Wow64Guest=332NsAppName=geneaw32.exeOriginalFilenam

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