Windows Server 2016 shuts down randomly


Mladen Zecevic

Hello,we have a problem with two of our many Windows Server 2016 virtual servers, which at what seems random intervals go off.In the event log there is an Information event at the time servers go off:"User32, eventid 1074The process C:\WIndows\system32\winlogon.exe (RDS-PLANT1) has initiated the power off of computer RDS-PLANT1 on behalf of user NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM for the following reason: No title for this reason could be foundReason Code: 0x500ffShutdown Type: power offComment: "this happened at following times: 25th of June 17:01:17h, 14th of June 21:34:09h, 12th of June at 20:36:05h and 1

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