Do You Have A Slow Running Computer?


jeremiah wright

Your computer was running fine, and now all of a sudden it is terrible
slow. Sometimes the program just locks up, and will not work. Other
times, the entire computer freezes. You know, the point where you must
hold the power button down for 5 seconds to shut the machine off. Or,
if you are running earlier versions of Windows, the infamous Blue
Screen of Death appears. All of these are signs something is wrong
with the internals of the computer, and this is causing you to have a
slow computer.
Think back, and see if you can remember installing something or
uninstalling something since the computer starting acting funny. Most
likely, you did. It might have even been something as subtle as an
update for your computer, or a greeting card, or even a screen saver.
As a side note, screen savers are one of the worst pieces of software
carrying spyware with it. If you do download something like this, use
your spyware remover and remove the junk that came with it. Back to
We all install and uninstall software. The problem with doing this is
it can mess up your registry files. The registry files are a set of
operational files which tell the computer how to run and operate the
computers software programs and hardware. When you install something
new, it might write over an existing registry file. This will then
cause the previous software not to work right, hence the freezing of
the computer....

Registry Repair:


Snake oil for sale.........get your Snake oil here!
Heirloom, old and clean mine with toothpaste


My computer doesn't run at all.
It stays very still...
Wondering if that Snake oil can help...??

"Heirloom" <nobodyhome@noplacelike.hom> wrote in message
> Snake oil for sale.........get your Snake oil here!
> Heirloom, old and clean mine with toothpaste

Joan Archer

<lol> You'll have to be quick you know how slippy it can get <g>

"oops!!" <> wrote in message
> My computer doesn't run at all.
> It stays very still...
> Wondering if that Snake oil can help...??
> "Heirloom" <nobodyhome@noplacelike.hom> wrote in message
> news:O8Z6%23jteIHA.1824@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>> Snake oil for sale.........get your Snake oil here!
>> Heirloom, old and clean mine with toothpaste



Mine doesn't run either, it's quite stationary -
And we don't mess with our registry here! <H>.


"David H. Lipman" <DLipman~nospam~@Verizon.Net> wrote in message
> From: "webster72n" <>
> | Mine doesn't run either, it's quite stationary -
> | And we don't mess with our registry here! <H>.
> |
> jeremiah wright ?
> Jerimiah WRONG !

Good Show! WRONG address! <H>.

> --
> Dave
> Multi-AV -

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