I had a BSOD and can find a Kernel Power 41 Critical Error on Windows 11 in the event logger



Hello,I had a BSOD after bootup. Event could not startup all the apps during startup. Neverthless my system is behaving sluggish at times, strangely on destkop apps, but not during any stressfull states eg. during gaming.I've changed my RAM recently as one of the old ones have been defective at one address constantly as my system behave sluggish and resetting at times. But it seems it was not my root cause.Here is my event data in the event viewer: BugcheckCode 281 BugcheckParameter1 0x5 BugcheckParameter2 0xffff9409a714e000 BugcheckParameter3 0xffff9409a71d6820 BugcheckParameter4

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