Clicking a jumplist item of packaged winforms/wpf apps on Windows 10 opens a "How do you want to open this file" menu

  • Thread starter Michael Vesterli
  • Start date

Michael Vesterli

DescriptionWhen clicking on a jumplist item on a Winforms or WPF app that has been installed via an app package, there is a popup showing a "How do you want to open this file" dialog, which should not appear. The app otherwise runs correctly with the correct arguments from the jumplist item, despite not interacting with this popup. If an app is selected to 'open the file', it gives an error that it cannot find the 'C:\Users\user\Desktop\appid_for_the_app!App.txt' file. It does not happen if the app is started normally or through the command line with the same arguments. We have had many custom

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