Wireless uploading locks up in Win98SE

  • Thread starter Donald G. Davis
  • Start date

Donald G. Davis

I recently obtained an HP Pavilion a656x computer, VIA chipset and
AMD Athlon 3000+ processor, which I've configured with a dual-boot setup
of Win98SE and WinXP/SP2. In Win98 it has a puzzling problem with the
wireless Internet connection. I'm using an EnGenius EUB-362EXT USB WiFi
adapter. My e-mail ISP is a Unix shell account that I access with the
TeraTerm Pro terminal program.

In Win98SE, I connect reliably to my shell account via TeraTerm (as
well as to Web sites via IE). I can download files of any size from my
Unix account without a problem. But if I try to *upload* to the remote
system any file bigger than about 5 KB, a few thousand bytes are
transferred then the terminal program locks up, and within a few seconds,
the USB adapter's control program stops seeing any WiFi signals. The same
thing happens if I try to upload such files via Windows ftp instead of
TeraTerm. Rebooting is necessary to get the USB device to see WiFi
signals again. I've reinstalled the EnGenius drivers for Win98SE, and have
even tried reinstalling Win98SE in case there was a problem of system
corruption, but the upload lockups still occur.

The same abrupt loss of signals may also occur spontaneously,
usually within about 20 minutes to an hour or two after Win98SE startup.

I have an older 550 MHz Dell Optiplex computer with Win98SE and have
used this same USB adapter on it, without this issue appearing. So I know
that the adapter is capable of working properly in Win98SE.

If I boot to WinXP instead of Win98SE on the problem machine, and
run TeraTerm under XP, I can upload files of any size without the lockup
occurring. Is this a situation others here have experienced? If so, did
you find any way to make uploads work correctly under Win98SE?

I first asked this on alt.internet.wireless, but the only responses
advised running Win98 in a virtual machine under XP (which I don't want to
do because I rely on a complex set of batch files that expect established
drives and paths). As this is the only major issue I have with Win98 on
this computer, I'd prefer to find a solution within my existing setup.
--Donald Davis

[To respond by e-mail, remove "blackhole." from the address.]

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