Error Message



Operating System: Windows 98 se
RAM: 768
Application: Quattro (for DOS)

When trying to load the Quattro (for DOS) spreadsheet, I get the
following error message "Out of Memory". The program loads but with loss of


Don Phillipson

"smg" <> wrote in message

> Operating System: Windows 98 se
> RAM: 768
> Application: Quattro (for DOS)
> When trying to load the Quattro (for DOS) spreadsheet, I get the
> following error message "Out of Memory". The program loads but with loss

> data.

Windows manages memory (not the individual application)
but DOS software like this Quattro was obviously programmed
on the assumption that DOS managed memory (up to a
maximum of less than one Mb.) -- thus loses data if it
loads at all.
1. You may get different behavior if you load DOS Quattro
directly from Windows or from a CLI prompt inside a DOS box.
2. Either way, your Quattro / Properties can be configured
with the memory management instructions a DOS PC
provides in AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS. Your
software manual ought to say what Quattro required.

Don Phillipson
Carlsbad Springs
(Ottawa, Canada)


"smg" <> wrote in message
| Operating System: Windows 98 se
| RAM: 768
| Application: Quattro (for DOS)
| When trying to load the Quattro (for DOS) spreadsheet, I get the
| following error message "Out of Memory". The program loads but with loss
| data.
| --
| smg

What version?

Check the memory settings and the other settings you have assigned by
right-clicking on the link or batch, choose Properties.

That program REQUIRES a certain amount of base memory [640k area] to run
and, IIRC, expanded memory [emm386.exe /AUTO or /ON{default - no switch}] be
loaded and available. *NOTE: a normal/base installation of Win98SE will not
have a config.sys file with entries. These will be added by other
applications which might need them, or manually, or have come from prior
entries when the OS was installed.*

To achieve this, the config.sys will need:

DEVICE=C:\WINDOWS\emm386.exe {switch or none}

You can also set files, buffers, blocks, and other in the config.sys by
adding them AFTER the above lines.
REM - IF faster DOS disk access is needed - cache
REM - IF used you must load smartdrv.exe in autoexec to enable the cache

REM - for drives larger than 120meg

REM - for applications which need more available space to run

Adjust the above to other values if necessary to increase base memory
[lower numbers free base memory] or program needs.

I found that using actual DOS worked better for that program rather than
within Windows. If necessary in DOS, load one of the long file name support
programs using LH in your autoexec.bat or DEVICEHIGH in your config.sys IF
they support or need it [some do it automatically]..
Use LH and DEVICEHIGH to load the program into upper memory blocks rather
than using base memory {if possible}, however, himem.sys and emm386.exe MUST
be loaded first..
Additionally, IF smartdrive was included in the config.sys then use
C:\WINDOWS\smartdrv.exe /X - in autoexec.bat so write behind is disabled,
you don't want to loose data that hasn't been written to disk yet when you



Hi Don
Your first paragraph is clear.
How do I find the "CLI prompt inside a DOS box"
Also how do I access config.sys and autoexec.bat and and what changes
I have to make?
Thanks for you quick response

"Don Phillipson" wrote:

> "smg" <> wrote in message
> > Operating System: Windows 98 se
> > RAM: 768
> > Application: Quattro (for DOS)
> >
> > When trying to load the Quattro (for DOS) spreadsheet, I get the
> > following error message "Out of Memory". The program loads but with loss

> of
> > data.

> Windows manages memory (not the individual application)
> but DOS software like this Quattro was obviously programmed
> on the assumption that DOS managed memory (up to a
> maximum of less than one Mb.) -- thus loses data if it
> loads at all.
> 1. You may get different behavior if you load DOS Quattro
> directly from Windows or from a CLI prompt inside a DOS box.
> 2. Either way, your Quattro / Properties can be configured
> with the memory management instructions a DOS PC
> provides in AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS. Your
> software manual ought to say what Quattro required.
> --
> Don Phillipson
> Carlsbad Springs
> (Ottawa, Canada)

Franc Zabkar

On Wed, 5 Mar 2008 07:56:01 -0800, smg <> put
finger to keyboard and composed:

>Operating System: Windows 98 se
> RAM: 768
>Application: Quattro (for DOS)
> When trying to load the Quattro (for DOS) spreadsheet, I get the
>following error message "Out of Memory". The program loads but with loss of

Could this be your problem?

"Out of Memory" Error Messages with Large Amounts of RAM Installed

Otherwise type "mem" at a DOS prompt in a Windows DOS box to see how
much EMS memory you have.

- Franc Zabkar
Please remove one 'i' from my address when replying by email.
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